Eyeless Jack x reader lime

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So you and Jack have a love hate relationship. (To homestuck fans: This is kinda like a kismesis relationship.)

WARNING: Blood/Gore and a small bit of sex!


Your pov.

I walk pass him in the hallway, growling as I passed. "Eyeless freak." I mutter under my breath as we pass each other. He stops and turns around, "What did you just say, bitch?!" I just flip him off without looking and just kept walking. He hurried to get in my way and block me from passing. "Don't fucking ignore me! Say it again! Say it to my face!" I chuckle, deciding to play his game. "I said 'Eyeless freak'. Happy now?" I could see the rage on his face as I said that. He let out a deep growl and bared his sharp teeth before he shoved me against the hallway wall.

Jack grabbed my throat and dug his nails into my neck. That cut off my air and made me start bleeding. He growls by my ear, "Try and be cocky, see what fucking happens." I let out a huffy chuckle, "Fuck you." His hand tightens, almost fully cutting off my air supply. I yelp as he bit into my neck. His tongue slowly drug across the now open flesh , picking up the blood as it went. To try to make him stop I grab his hair and yank his head back. But Jack's teeth were still in the few layers of skin he bit, so my action made him pull even harder on my flesh. I hiss in pain and claw on his hoodie. More blood poured for the bite mark as he bit fully though the shin, a chunk of flesh now missing.

"Yo Jack, C'mon we need to go!" He pull away but before all the way he shoved me again. "Bitch." "Asshat." We mutter as we go our separate ways.

《Skip to you and BEN》

"Please Y/n?"


"But they're right there!"

"No BEN, just fix the bite mark."

"Fine." So me and BEN were sitting in his room with me just in pants (or shorts) and my f/c bra. BEN  (the perv) was try to feel my boobs because I just sitting there shirtless. "How did this even happen?!" "Me and EJ got into another fight." "Oh." BEN put the medical patch over it after he was done cleaning it. You're probably wondering why BEN's doing this, well Jack's out of the house and we'd probably just get into another fight again. "Man, you guys are like Jeff and LJ." "WHAT?!" He flinched at how loud I was. "How!?" BEN laughs, before answering with a smirk. "Jeff and LJ love to fuck with each other but they secretly get worried when the other gets hurt or in trouble." I just glare at him after he finished. He suddenly smirks and tackles me.

"B-BEN!" "Just trust me on this~" He kisses me roughly as he rubbed my hip bone. I could hear feet stomp their way to BEN's room. "Jack's home and jealous." I hurried and kiss back right before the door got kicked down. BEN got kicked off me and I was pulled off the floor.

Jack dragged me down the hallway then shoved me into his room. I tripped as I tried to balance myself from the shove. And my body fall hard against the floor. "Oh hello floor, nice to see you again." Jack sits on my back and pulls my head backwards by my hair. He then grabs his mask and throws it on his nightstand. "God damn it Jack, that hurts! Let go!" "No." His hand tightens and he pulls harder. It felt like my neck and back were going to snap. "Why the HELL were you and BEN kissing!?" "Because we can!!!" He rolls me onto my back and readjusted himself on my stomach. Jack gives me the most deadliest glare I've ever seen. Like it legitimately kind of scared me. But I growl and try to push him off me but no use, he was too strong. "I'm the only one who can love you." I felt my heart stop for a second as well as my stomach drop.

He then roughly kissed me and without asking, he shoved his tongue into my mouth when I gasped. I growl before I pull off his bloody hoodie and undershirt while we kissed roughly. Jack ripped off my F/c bra as well as my pants (or shorts) leaving me in my panties.

《Time skip》
(Heheheh no real lemon for you)

"Ja-Jack st-sto-stop please! I-I c-can't feel m-my le-legs~!" He just growls and slams into me harder. "Aahhh~!" I claw at the bed sheets as I cum again. This was the.....fuck, I had came so many times I had forgotten the number. Man, my body was covered and I mean COVERED in new bite/claw marks. I had claw marks on my hips, thighs, back AND on my shoulders. As for bite marks some were on my chest, shoulders, my stomach, and as well as on my thighs! I suddenly felt him finally cum. He let out a struggled groan as he pull out. "Tha-that wa-was fu-fun Y/n~" My eyes widened as he said my real name and not one of my usual rude nicknames. I laid on his chest and muttered something I hope he didn't hear.

"I love you Jack."


Bye guys!

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