Eyeless Jack x reader lemon

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It's the blind boyo and his seeing eye proxy.
Might make a non lemon version since this is good idea
Sorry if I change points of view too much

Third pov.

The female proxy sat next to the operating table with the random male that was on it while the person she was assigned to was struggling to look for his weapons. She did try to ask him if he wanted her help and grab them for him but she got a pretty clear growl as an answer. So she helped him in the way he allowed, "Move 10 steps to the left with your hand on the counter to make sure you don't get lost." He growled but nodded as his thank you to her.

Your pov.

I smirked as I watched his ass when he followed my directions while the gagged male on the table was giving me a judging face and a muffled groan. But I didn't fucking care, I actually grabbed my knife from the holder on my thigh. Smirking as I cut his cheek which made him whine and finch away so I whisper, "Don't judge me, asshole."

The sudden slam of Jack's hands on the table made me quickly pull away and hide my hand behind my back. "I'm sorry sir but he w-was uh giving me dirty looks." Jack sighed and lifted the scalpel to start the harvest of his meal.

Well he was getting his meal, I started thinking about why I chose him to be under. I guess it was cause he was the person who was the most patient with you. But the one thing that would quickly make him pissed off and most like get rid of you. It was doing everything for him because he's blind, he hated it. He told me, well wrote it down that it makes him feel less dangerous or like useless. But why I've been able to work under him for so long was just because I knew how to directed him to what he wanted. It only happens inside cause of all the metal and blood from the other killers but outside he can handle himself pretty well. But I guess something else that was more okay with working with him was he's more clean with his kills and it makes it easier for me since I hate cleaning up all that blood shit.

Third pov.

Y/n was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts after Jack had growled loud enough. Since he didn't have his note pad to speak, he just wrote in the blood that was pooling on the table. "Stop spacing out and clean this up. Give it to seed eater or something" The female proxy started undoing the straps that were holding the body to the table, "Alright Jack, will do" She could hear a bit of a happy purr from him when he grabbed the bowl that had the fleshly harvest kidneys.

Luckily they were closest the outside so it was easier for her to drag the body outside and whistle for seed eater to come eat. But before he did, she gave him a pet then kicked the body towards him. "Here you go, buddy. Eat up" She smiled and went inside after he took the meal happily.

Once done with cleaning, she threw the bloody rags into the other blood stained clothes that was supposed to go in the wash. And when she couldn't find Jack, she laid down on the clean operating table. Her now sore body getting a chance to relax but she laid there for to long and ended up passing out.

Ej's pov.

I slowly walk through the halls of the house with my hand grazing the walls, "where is she? She's supposed to help me through this crazy maze of a house." I stopped when I hear Toby's voice and the cracks of his neck so I followed that. "Maybe he knows where she is." After a minute of trying to find him, his cracking suddenly got loud. "H-hey Ej." I grabbed my note pad from my pocket and wrote out a response, "Hello Toby, do you know where Y/n is?" It took him a second to read it but then laughs a little after, "Funny, sh-she was actually looking f-for you liiiii-iiike 30 minutes ago? I thi-think she went back to your operating room." I sighed and started following the wall back to the operating room, at least I'm somewhat more familiar with the way there.

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