Proxies x child reader

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This story as hoodie, Masky, Kate the chaser and ticci toby. And you of course!

Your pov.

I turn the corner in the dark alley to see four people arguing. I try to listen to what they're saying, "Oh shut the fuck up Rogers." "I TOL-TOLD YOU NOT TO CAL-CALL ME-" The smaller one smack a hand over the one that was yelling. "Shut up or someone one will hear us." That one sounds like a girl. I slowly sneak closer to them, holding my (stuffed animal) closer to me. The orange hooded one growls out, "We should get back home." The white masked one answered before anyone else could. "Not intill Ticci admits it's his fault the target got away." I pieced up the name of the goggled one. And I think his name is Ticci Toby? I get closer and end up stepping in a puddle, making a loud splash.

"Who's there?! " The white masked one yelled, then the girl spoke up. "Masky it was probably just a stray cat." "No," said the orange hooded one. "If it was a cat it would have made more noise when it ran away. I hold my (stuffed animal) tighter and I come out of my hiding spot.

The white masked man's voice growled, "Well fuck, heh, we have a little spy. Didn't your mom ever tell you it's mean to eavesdrop?" "I don't have one." I muttered my answer. One of them squatted in front of me and said, "Masky don't be a dick." It was the girl in the white hoodie and mask. She put a finger under my chin, making me look up at her. "I'm kate the chaser, but just call me kate. Okay?" I nod, the ticking sound kinda scaring me now that it was louder. "Kate, what do you plan on doing with the kid?" "Maybe keeping her." She said with a smile laced in her words.

"No!" "And why not?!" "Because Slender will kill her!" The one with goggles walked over to me. I look up, to hear the ticking was coming from him. He picks me up and his additude totally changed. "Hi I'm to-toby! What's yo-your name?" "Y-Y/n." He tilts his head and says, "Do you have tour-tourette's too or ar-are you jus-just scared?" Before I could answer the orange hooded man came up to us, "Hey hoodie, this is Y/n!" "Oh, that's-" I suddenly get pulled away from toby and the man named hoodie.

I was in kate's arms and on the side of her hip. "Masky we're going to keep her. I mean come on, look at her she's all alone and we can train her to be a proxy" He stayed quiet, then sighed and said, "Fine. *he looks like me* What's the brats name?" "Y/n!" Toby said before me or kate could answer. "Fan-fucking-tastic." He growls then says, "Come on, let's get our asses home already." Kate held me and started following the guys out of the alley.

I glitched the system and I got my stories back. But I need to rewrite them in this book. At least I got them back tho

The Gas Mask Maiden

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