Eyeless Jack x tall monster m!reader

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(There is a lemon at the end, read past the wholesome ending to get there)

His pov.

He was walking to the living room with Jeff since Slender made an announcement that there was someone new coming to the mansion. Apparently it was another cannibal or human eater, Jack couldn't remember what Slender said. He could hear people talking from the living room, everyone was talking about where is he going to stay. Jack heard Jeff chuckle and pick up his walking pace, "Come on Jack, let's see the new guy." Jack just growled a little but he didn't care about it too much, Jeff is dumb and annoying.

Now close to the living room, Jack felt the floor shake and his "eyes" went wide. "No way." Jack knew Jeff saw the new guy first when he heard a "oh shit" under Jeff's breath. But Slender had to announce how late they were to the new guy. "Y/n, the two boys in the back of the crowd are Eyeless Jack and Jeff the killer." Jack slowly waved even though he was in shock at the crazy tall guy who he was waving to. Jack could feel his hungry presence, he swallowed, he never felt this intimidated by someone. He couldn't help it though, he could feel that this new guy was a tall force to be reckoned with. "Jack! I am putting Y/n under you since he needs someone to help him hunt." Jack didn't realize he had been so lost in thought but he didn't fight with Slender on his decision. He could hear some people laugh around him but he pushed through the crowd till he felt his presence standing a few feet over him. "Come with me, Y/n. Let's get you some food."

3rd pov.

They walked to Jack's harvesting room. Everything shook around them as Y/n walked. He was a 9 foot beast with arms and legs as thick as Jack, his body twice that size, his hands could wrap around Jack's chest and crush his ribs with just a clench of the fist. Jack could help but look away since Y/n didn't really have any clothes, so Jack could see his toned chest rise and fall with each growl of a breath. "S-so Y/n, what food are you interested in?" "Everything." Jack shuddered as he heard the deep voice of Y/n and saw the sharp teeth in his mouth. That's when he noticed that Y/n had some sharp fangs that showed over his bottom lip.

When they got to the harvesting room, Jack went to the walk in fridge that had bodies on cattle meat hooks. Y/n followed Jack in there, the smell of flesh, making him drool and growl with hunger. "You said everything. What do you mean?" Jack with a chill of fear go up his spine as Y/n looked down at him before grabbing a body from a meat hook with one big hand and finishing it in about 4 bites. "Oh...my god." Y/n had blood and drool coming from his mouth as he breathed deeply. Coming over to Jack and looking down at him, he licked up the mess on his face with a long slimy tongue. "How many can I eat?" "U-um just 3 in total. I still have a few meals to harvest myself." Jack swallowed as Y/n finished those with just as much ease as the first body. "Y/n, I know hunger myself but we have to be careful when outside. Too many people disappearing could bring unwanted attention to us." Jack could see Y/n's face saddened a little but he nodded in understanding. Jack tried to grab Y/n's hand but he could only grab a finger. "Come on, let's get out of here. It's cold."

~Wholesome ending~
(Read on for lemon)

Y/n had a room in the basement since it was the only place he could walk around without shaking the floor to much. Which he found out, annoys the other creepypastas in the house. It was kinda cold down there and a bit dark, but that's how Y/n liked it. He had a bed, it didn't fit him though so he just ripped it up and made a "nest" with it. He would curl up kind of like a dog and fall asleep like that.

Y/n had a bit of a problem this night though, a different hunger. But it made him the same way, growl claw and drool. He could see his heavy hot breath come out into the cold room. His nostrils flared as he smelt his favorite person enter the basement.

Jack walked down the basement stairs, shutting the door behind him. "Y/n?" The basement was strangely quiet, the only thing he could hear was heavy breathing and the creak of the stairs. "Y/n, are you hurt?" Jack could see the big mass in the dark moving with the breathing. Jack jumped back with he saw bright yellow eyes open. "Y-y/n?" Jack reach up for a small string that turned on a tiny light bulb. "Help me please." Jack could see Y/n finally, he was curled up like usually but Jack could see the distress in Y/n's eyes. "What's wrong?" Jack got close enough to sit in front of Y/n's curled up body. He could see he was trembling and clawing at the gound. Jack wrapped his arms around y/n's arm and tried to sit him up. Y/n just sat up, Jack was too weak to move him by a lot. "Oh.." "What?" Y/n growled in a heavy tone, while Jack was frozen looking down. "Um... you're big..." Y/n tilted his head, his height was obvious, why would Jack say that?

Jack's pov

I couldn't believe my "eyes", HE'S FUCKING HUGE! I reached out and gently grabbed his member through the big sweatpants that had to be custom made for his height, but he was so big that my hand didn't even go half way around. I heard Y/n growl in shock, it looked like he almost snapped at me too. I jumped back at this, letting go of his member. "Y/n, this will help."

I slowly went forward and pulled down his pants, I heard Y/n let out a sigh when his member was out. I felt my face get hot as hell when I saw that he was throbbing. "Jack?" "You're okay, I got you." I didn't, I can't even get one hand around it. But I sighed and pulled down my pants and sat down in Y/n's lap with his huge member against my back. Y/n look confused but I could feel him twitch against my back, so I reached up to gently grab his cheeks. I pulled him down for a kiss, I slowly slipped my tongue into his mouth before pulling it back and seeing if he would follow. "Muph!" I couldn't help the noise that came out when Y/n's big warm tongue filled my mouth. He grabbed my arms and pulled me closer while forcing his tongue down my throat. My eyes would be rolled up into my head if I had any, god it felt like he was fucking my throat with just his tongue. Y/n pulled away, leaving me panting for air. "Holy shit-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence before I was forced onto my back. "Y/n! Don't go in, you're gonna destroy me!" His hands were by my head while he looked at me with a tilted head. He moved down and ripped off my hoodie, before opening his mouth and drooling all on my stomach. "Y/n?" He came back up and put his hips down a little, putting his member on my wet belly. I wrapped my legs around his member and nodded. He moved forward and purred with a shudder. Y/n dug his claws into the concrete next to my head and started thrusting. He was rubbing against my member too, so I couldn't help but moan. I'm glad he was taller than me, because if he wasn't he would've been drooling on my face instead of the ground above my head. He had his tongue out, purring and panting with every movement. I arched my back when I came, pushing against his member on my stomach. He went a few more minutes before even starting to struggle, his movement got sloppy and he was breathing much heavier now. The ending was a nightmare though, I was covered and immediately felt gross. I heard him whimper at my reaction. "Y/n it's okay, don't worry. Just get me the hose from the corner."

Washing all of that was not fun. But feeling so small and helpless under Y/n... I think I found a fetish I didn't even know I had. We're gonna have to do this again.

I couldn't think about next time before Y/n had pulled me into his nest. He had me under him again, he must have know I was cold now that we weren't moving. This was nice and so warm under him, I could hear Y/n's still racing heartbeat. I could feel him nuzzle me and his heart beat slow down as he passed out with a purr. I smiled, "My giant kitty...."

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