Jeffery x reader part 2

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So, sorry in advance but this may not be a happy story and there might be some gore. So you have been warned.

Last time in our story
My thoughts get interrupted by (friend/coworker's name) calling out my name and trying to get my attention again."Y/N! Y/n, you okay?!" "Hehe, yeah, I'm fine" I get up and go get some water, my past starting to come back to me after I saw his murders on the news again.

Y/n's pov.
It's been a few days since I saw that part about Jeff in the news while at work, and lately I've been under a lot of stress. People at work have been asking me questions about how he used to be. At least (friend/coworker's name) has been "protecting" me from all the questions, she'll shut them down real quick if they bring anything up about Jeff to me. But they sometimes ask if I think I'm in danger because of him and now that I sit alone in my empty home, I am scared. I've actually noticed that I'm looking behind my back a lot more now and I've been pretty jumpy whenever someone touches me. It's honestly been horrible, my boss was even worried and let me stay home with pay. It's been a rough few days but maybe a warm shower and some sleep will be good for me.

So I went into my bathroom and started getting undressed while the water was heating up to the right temperature. I stayed in my shirt though so I wasn't standing weirdly naked in my bathroom. Even though I still felt uncomfortable standing there, I felt like I was being watched. But I think that was just the paranoia I've been feeling lately. So I just tried to ignore it untill the water was ready and I pulled off my shirt and got into the shower. It almost immediately helped me calm down, it's hotish water running down my body and helping the sore part of me. Which was pretty much all of me though if I'm gonna be honest. But it was a good idea to just have a nice shower to help me out. Though I couldn't waste the all the hot water just standing there so I grabbed my bottle of shampoo and starting getting my hair clean. I hummed a little of (favorite song) as the foamy bubbles were washed out of my hair. I got a little bit of soap in my fucking eye, buuut it was alright I was able to wash it out pretty fast so it wasn't too bad. Still hurt though, but at least I was done with that and started cleaning up my body.

And soon enough after that, I spent too much time in there that the water had started getting cold. So I turned off the water and grabbed my towel, so I could wrap it around myself and get into my room to get some clothes on. I left the steamy bathroom and was then hit with the cold air of the rest of my house. So I made the trip quickly from the bathroom into my room. I dropped my towel has I grabbed my clean pj's and underwear from the drawers they were in, pulling them on soon after. I sat down after I got dressed, I was too tired to really brush my hair but I knew if I didn't then in the morning it would be a horrible tangled mess. So I got up again and grabbed my hairbrush to start brushing the (long/short) wet mess I called hair. I then put my brush onto my nightstand since I was to lazy to get up and put it in the right place. I then just laid down in my bed and got comfortable in the blankets.


I was stuck in bed, laying there wanting to move but my body wouldn't listen and I just stayed in the same place paralyzed. I felt something crawling up from the end of my bed but I couldn't look down to see what it was. But I could hear it's heavy breathing and it's sickening deep voice, "You know why I'm here, stop struggling and accept it. I'll make you beautiful." I could feel it crawl up through my legs, it's ruff leathery hand gently gilding up my thigh as it came up. I quietly whimpered as I then felt something sharp scrape against my stomach. And it was soon in my face after I got that feeling. But the face I was met with was horrifying, it's pale white skin, it wide eyes staring down at me with a sickening madness within, and it's cut open cheeks that had blood dripping down on to my face has it leaned over me. It brought up the hand that held the knife and gently pressed it into my cheek, preparing me for what it was going to do. "Hello sweetheart~ I missed you." And with a quick draw back, I could see it was going to plunge the blade into my chest-

I then woke up with a jolt, my hand over where in the dream I had saw him stab me. I was in such a cold sweat after that dream that I knew I wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep. So I got up out of bed, my whole body still shaking from the nightmare but I still was able to get to the kitchen for some water. And while leaning on the counter with my head in my hands, I couldn't stop thinking about that horrifying nightmare I had. My breathing still shaky while even standing there, but with drinking the water it was at least slightly helping.

But a set of footsteps from behind me made me freeze up and start shaking even worse on. "Hello Y/n~" The man turned me around and I came face to face with HIM, the man I used to call my friend. I've played this meeting through my mind so many times but the fear I felt made it all so much more real. "Are you not going to say anything? It's been so long I thought you'd have something to say." He gently gilded the sharp blade under my jaw bone, it gave me the chills as now my eyes started filling up with tears. His dark chuckles at my fear made me feel so much lower than him, like I was just bug he was ready to squish. He moved the knife away from my face and I felt a little tiny bit less stressed but I knew I was still in danger. "Y/n, you need to relax~" Jeffrey leaned into me, his hand on my hip and his head on my shoulder. I still couldn't moved but I was able to at least get some of my voice back. "J-Jeffrey, wha-what ar-are you d-doing here?" He chuckles next to my ear before pulling away as he licked his lips, a dark smirk appearing on his face.

I suddenly felt his knife dig into my stomach but he kept it there, watching me as tears went down my cheeks. "I'm here to finish burning all the bridges to my past. You were aloud to live for so long because I couldn't hurt my childhood crush~" He kissed me even though I had blood dripping from my mouth and he pulled away just as he pulled out the knife from my stomach. I whimpered and hunched over but he pushed me back up to see my face. "Such a cute face, I guess I'll let you keep it." He then gently put the blade to my neck with a nothing but smile on his face.

"Time to go to sleep, sweetheart."

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