Zalgo x demon pet reader limey

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Just you being a demon pet (sex slave, technically) for Zalgo...

Enjoy lol :3

Your pov.

I sat on the bed in my chambers, messing with the charm on my collar before slightly jumping when there was a knock on one of the double doors. So I got up and answered the door, opening it to see a kind of worried imp. "Lord Zalgo wanted you, Miss. N-now." I smirked a little and thanked the imp for telling me before I left to the throne room.

I knew what would happen after I opened the doors and what he needed. He's been a lot more hostile lately so I knew he needed a little "relief".

"Get you ass in here already." I jumped a little with my tail hiding between my legs when he snapped me out of my thoughts. So I opened one of the double doors and went inside to his throne room. Bowing slightly when I was in front of him, "You wanted me, master~?" "Just get on your knees already (y/n)" I shook my head as I laughed but I did as he told me. Getting on my knees right in between his legs with his member pretty close to my face. "Geez so eager~"

I looked up to see his smirks, it giving my shivers as my tail swayed with excitement. "It has been a while, my pet~ what did you expect?" I giggled and shrugged before brushing a side of my hair behind my ear and leaned in. My mouth taking the throbbing member in, taking as much as I could into my throat while my hand took care of the rest. His deep growls and groans making me wetter by the minute. "That's a good pet~ Mmm damn I can just smell how wet you are."

I did blush at what he said but I didn't let it effect me and started bobbing my head. Sucking him off with my hand stoking the rest. But I opened my eyes when I felt him brush my hair back and out of the way of my face. Such a loving touch from a demon like him, it's kind of weird but I didn't mind it.

I suddenly heard the doors open, not really minding it since everyone knew what my job was with lord Zalgo. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?! I'M FUCKING BUSY!" I didn't focus on what they were talking about since well I was already busy with something. But by how shaky his voice started getting and how much worse his member was throbbing in my mouth I could tell he was getting close.

When I heard the other demon leave and him sigh, I looked up at him with a little bit of a worried face. "Stupid motherfuckers not bothering to even knock" He sighed before smirking down at me. "You smell worse~ do you like others seeing you being a slut and having my thick cock down your throat~?" My face darkened when I did realize how bad my juices were pouring down my thighs but I tried to play it off with rolling my eyes.

Which didn't sit well with him. Having him grab the front of my collar and pull me forward as he stood up. My eyes getting blurry with tears after he had made me take his entire member down my throat. "Don't act like you fucking don't" I throat tightened as I got scared which he love because I could hear him let out a huffy deep moan. But I couldn't move really like that anymore so he just grabbed my head and started moving his hip. The pain was so delicious and having him look down at me with such a dominant smirk was giving me chills.

So since he was handling himself with my throat, I weakly move my hand down to my pussy. But when lord Zalgo noticed, he growled and made sure to scare me into not making myself closer to cumming. "Pets aren't allowed to cum before me. You know this, slut." I whined and accidentally sent vibrations through him, making my master stick out his tongue and pant. His body completely tensing and his member dripping pre-cum down my throat.

So I decided to go against him and started rubbing my clit to make me moan and send more vibrations to him. He then suddenly leaned forward and pulled my head closer as he shot his thick cum down my throat. "Oh fuck yes pet, take it~" I pulled away when he was done and started stoking his member to get all that I could. Giving me a little bit of a chance to calm down and pant before I squeaked. Which made him let out a deep hearty laugh when he heard me react to the last of his cum get on my face. And that was my sign to stop, now that I had gotten most of it out.

He snapped his fingers, getting my attention to the towel the had magically appeared in his hand. "Here, clean yourself up." "Yes master Zalgo" I nodded and cleaned the cum off my face with the towel before I got up to leave. But once he saw I was leaving he quickly grabbed my hips and pulled me close to him.

"Thank you for that, pet. But I think it's your turn now~"

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