Kate the chaser x female reader lemon

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This is for a request (●w●)
I'm not too good with girl x girl stuff buuuuuut here's my try writing it

Your pov.

I walked through my house in my comfortable pajamas before jumping a little when I heard something thud upstairs and a mumbled swear from a female. Figuring who it was, I just grabbed a first aid kit from the bathroom and then went upstairs to where I heard the noise. Walking into my room I saw the familiar dirty white hoodie on the female. "Kate? You okay?" She responded with a nod before she just sat up and sat there staring at me. "What?" I looked down at where she was staring and when I noticed she was staring at my chest, I just laughed. "Babe, I'm just not wearing a bra. Calm yourself, plus your a girl too. You have your own, they're not that special." Kate giggles and took off her mask before she got on top of me, making me start to blush. "Well they're yours, that makes them special to me~" She then grabbed my chest with one of her hands and kissed me deeply after she said that. I moaned a little and kissed her back with my hands running up her body and under her hoodie.

So I was able to pull off her hoodie and roughly grab her chest, making her giggle a little in our kiss before she pulled away enough to move down to my chest. I blushed darkly and moaned as she took one of my nipples into her mouth while her hand took care of the other one. "N-ngh kate~" She chuckles and shook her head a little, "Yeah baby~?" I whined up at her and moved my hips, creating a bit friction between us through our pants. But she teased me with grinding and still only playing with my nipples. "Come on~ tell me what you want. Or I'll leave you like this, all excited and in need~"

I groans softly and bite my lip before mumbling out what she wanted to hear, "Please eat me already damn it." She chuckles, giving my shivers as she finally pulled off my pajama pants. But she wasn't done with the teasing yet. She leaned down in between my legs and started just gently giving me hickeys on my thighs as she rubbed my clit through my already wet panties. Making me moan and tremble, "God damn it you're evil." I could feel her smirk against my thigh before she pulled my panties off with her mouth. And when she did, she moved her mouth onto me. Thrusting her tongue in me before I reached down to grab her head and move her closer.

Kate had looked up at me when she could tell that I was getting close to cumming. So to get me to finish faster she roughly rubbed my clit while she continued thrusting her tongue into me. And when I came, I arched  my back off the floor and moaned her name out pretty loudly. I felt her moan into my pussy and I looked down, seeing that kate had her fingers in herself. Knowing she had came, I made her sit up and I took her hand so I could lick up the cum off her fingers.

And when I was done I just smiled at her, "Mmm you're delicious~" "heh so are you~" Kate had smiled back at me when she had hugged me and gently rubbed my back.

It was nice. Sitting in the moon light lit room, our hot bodies together keeping each other warm. Being so close to her was wonderful and like that, I could hear her heart calm down from our intimate time. It was so nice but the floor was getting slightly uncomfortable so I kind of picked her up and moved us into my bed. "I actually was going to say something about that" That made me smile, "well we're in bed now so I guess let's just enjoy it before you have to go back to work" Kate sighs a little before sinking into my chest and smiling, "yeah I guess we should"

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