Kate the chaser x child reader

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(Requested, made plot myself though)
You have been living with her since as long as you can remember ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××

Your pov.

Mother's day was coming up soon and I wanted to do something for Kate this year since she's been there for me pretty much like a mother. But I didn't know what to do and I only have a day to decide before it would be too late. I had been sitting right next to kate's spot on the couch as I was thinking, with her being gone on a job gave me alone time. Not saying I don't want her around, not at all, but I was actually starting to worry since she was starting to take longer than usual. Which the more I thought about it, the more I whimpered and curled up in my blanket on the couch. But being so late and being so comfy in my blanket let sleep come much fast than I thought it would.


I woke up with a new stronger warmth next to me and with a yawn and a rub of my eyes I saw that Kate was next to me. Just watching the small tv we stole but when she noticed I was awake she smiles. "Hey you, good morning." "Wha..?" She giggles and wraps her arm around me to bring me into her side as I was still wrapped up in my blanket. "It's four in the morning, shortstack." I kind of mouthed an "oh" and looked down. "Did you just get home?" She shook her head and smiles down at me before she yawned, making me do the same.

Kate then laughed and ruffed up my hair before turning off the tv. "I think it's time to get to sleep kiddo." I nodded and hold her hand a little as we walked down to our room. We slept in the same room just in case something were to happen since either one of us would've been dead by the time we woke up and ran to the other room. So we sleep in the same room but on different mattresses, it's hard to steal a bed even if just a twin. But I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep since I had already slept so I just waited for Kate to fall asleep and I could get my mother's day plan started. It was hard to figure out since she had took of her mask and it's harder to hear her breathing without it but I was able to get through it. After slowly getting out of bed, I had to make it around on creaky floor boards to grab some money and at least a weapon. Those floor boards though are horrible, you can't be slow since that makes that creaking last longer but going faster makes more frequent creaks. So I had to be very careful about this and the first step I could already creaked, making my groan a little. "So this is how it's going to be..."

I was panting a little outside our cabin, finally making through that nightmare plus without waking her so just onwards now I guess. I fixed my backpack with the money in it and my spiked bat in my hands just in case of anything popping out at me. But I sighed, I didn't know what to get her untill I got an idea. I need to go to store but it's probably to early for them to be open. But my idea needed blood so I guess time to do a little hunting and get some help harvesting up the blood. "Slenderman! He'll help me!" I started running towards the mansion as fast as my little legs could take me. Though running with the bat wasn't the safest thing to do, I only had so long before kate would wake up. I did get kind of scared when I'd trip a little on tree roots since I thought I'd fall right onto the nails in my bat but I was almost there. So no stopping now...

When I finally got to the mansion, I snuck in. Trying not to met any of the bigger badder killers before getting to Slenderman's office. I was almost there just needed to knock on the double doors but I then suddenly felt a sharp object against my neck.

Then I heard that cracking, oh... "Hi toby!" I heard laughing as the hatchet left my neck, letting me turn around to see the twitchy male. "Hey y/n, wh-what a-are you d-doing here?" I rubbed the back of my neck as I looked down, "Um, I need Slenderman for something..." I looked up at him, he looked down a little though. "H-he's not her-here." I groaned and facepalms on my mask, making him laugh a little. "Sorry kiddo..." He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "u-uh anyone else th-that c-can help?" I looked down and sighed, "Does anyone here save blood? I need it for a gift." "Um we-weird...but there's t-the bloody painter or E-ej." I nodded and said goodbye before trying to look for them. Ej I know a bit better than the bloody painter so I'll try him first.

I walked the halls, trying to be careful of the killers I hadn't met and had a risk of being killed. I did stop to say hi to the few I knew but I really couldn't stay for long. So when I got to Ej's room I kind of went there pretty fast since I could hear voices I didn't know starting to get close. When I looked up though, I saw Jack kind of in the middle of a kill. But I mean he's going to have the blood for me I guess..."Heeeey Ej, uh can I use some blood for a gift?" I did get a confused head tilt from he but he then pointed to the full bucket that was kind of next to the table. I thanked him and took the bucket, sitting away him and his business so I could work on mine. So grabbing the plain grey shirt I uh borrowed from Kate, I laid it out in front of me then stuck my hand into the bucket of blood. I flicked some of it onto the shirt and then put a smeared hand print in the corner of the fabric. I did this a few times on the front and back but getting up to ask Ej if he had a black marker. He gave me one with a sharp tooth grin before he went back to eating the "food" he just harvested. I happily went back to my project and sat back down in front of it. I opened the marker and wrote "best killer mom" on it in kind of bold letters. But to make it better, I made it a little more messy with some dirt. Making it seem more real to how I've seen her outfit after she goes to work. I let it set in and gave back the bucket and marker to jack before checking the shirt if it could go back into my backpack.

Once it was ready though, I packed it up and left pretty quickly after that. Trying to get back to the cabin before Kate would wake up since when I was finally leaving, the sun was already starting to raise. I did go a little slow since it was done, all that mattered was that it got to her. It would help though if I got there before she was to wake up. My feet hurt so bad from walking so much but I was home, I had to be careful with the floor again but I was almost in bed. So I had to sneak back inside and upstairs, lay her present out somewhere she could see it then I can finally sleep. So sneak back in mission started and while downstairs I did hum some dramatic music but when I started going upstairs I stopped. It was hard to get it all done but when it was done, I was finally able to sleep after such a long night.


I woke up to a loud gasp and when I sat up to rub my eyes and look around I got the life squeezed out of me because of a hug. "Thank you so much Y/n! I love it!" When she finally pulled away I was able to see that she was wearing the shirt I made already. I noticed she was actually crying a little because of it. "Y-you're welcome...mom" She laughs and gave me another tight hug which I returned.

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