Hoodie x sick reader

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I will try to make this fluffy as fuck.
So enjoy


3rd person pov.

Y/n laid in bed, waiting for her masked friend to come over, sick af. Her body facing the wall, just blankly looking at it. Footsteps entered the room with the voice of her friend. "Hello Y/n." She turns over to look at him. "Are you okay?" "I'm just peachy." "You sick?" Y/n growls lightly, but ends up in another coughing fit.

Hoodie quickly grabbed the glass of water that was on her nightstand and held it out to her. "Do you want me to make some chicken soup?" She nodded, putting the glass back on the nightstand and laying back down.

Hoodie's pov.

Welp, Y/n's sick and I get to take care of her. I walk into the kitchen and get everything I need to make some soup. I watched as the soup cooks in the pot, to hear Y/n yell, "Bri is the *cough* soup done yet!?" "Almost!" I hear her start to have another coughing fit.

I give the soup to her and sit on the floor, my back pressed against the side of the bed. "Thank you for the soup." I smile under my mask and mutter a 'no problem'.

Once she was done, I put the bowl in the sink. When I was back in her room , I pull off my hoodie and throw it on to her spinny chair. (YAY spinny chairs!) "Hey, uh, Brian I know your real name. But can I see your face?"

I tense up a little bit, "You want to see my face?" She nods, I shake my head no. "But I'm sick, you have to." She pouts, "That's not how that works." "Please?" I sigh, giving up. I pull off my mask and look back at her. "You look cute."

"Th-thanks." I blush a little, then I hear her yawn. "Hoodie, will you cuddle me?" "Sure." I lay down next to her, she holds me and nuzzles my chest. "Thanks for taking care of me, Brian."

A couple minutes later, of hearing her breathing and heart beat, she was asleep. I look at her face, her lips mostly. "One kiss wouldn't hurt, right?" I thought, while looking at her.

So I kiss her softly, trying not to wake her up. I didn't expect her to kiss back though. I pull away, my face burning. "It's not what you think!" She gave me another kiss, "I had a feeling you liked me, but I didn't want to assume." I swallowed hard, "I lov-love you, Y/n." "I love you too, but you do know that you're going to get sick, right?" "Psh, I don't get sick easily."

《Not even a week later》

"Y/n! Is it done yet!?" I hear her laugh, as the door opens. "I told you, you'd get sick." I cross my arms, as she hands me my soup. "Here. Eat up, Mr. Sick-grumpy-pants."

Here's another chapter. I hope you enjoyed the fluff.

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