The puppeteer x reader

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Your pov.

I stood there in the dress I was going to wear to the dance at school while Puppet sat on my bed. "So you ready?" "Yup!" He smiled and lifted his hand, letting those treads with that beautiful glow come out and wrap around parts of me. Some on my wrists and feet to guide me into a stance before slowly controlling me to dance. It actually was a pretty good idea for him to help me out like this, it was kind of relaxing to. Letting him gently control my body to the soft rhythm of the music. "You're pretty good at this y/n." "Thank you Puppet!" I smiled at him but this started getting a little bit more weird and unnatural.

"Um puppet? Can you dance with me?" He seemed a little shocked but then smiled with a bit of a blush on his face as he pulled his strings away and stood in front of me. We got into the dancing stance and slowly started dancing. But I did actually step on his feet a few times before I stopped and finally got the hang of it. Smiling up at puppet and giggling a little, "Sorry" "It's alright y/n." He smiled back at me before I leaned into his chest and closed my eyes. Relaxing into his arms as he lead us to slow down just a little bit. I yawned actually after some time like that and he noticed so he pick me up to take me to my room. Helping me take off my dress then wait to hand over my pajamas when it was off.

I then wrapped my arms around him and nervously gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Let's um do that again some time, it was really nice." Puppet blushed a little but wrapped his arms back around me too. "Yeah we should..." I looked back at my bed and then pulled him into it with me. Giggling as I covered us both under the blanket. "Stay with me here tonight puppet, please?" He pulled me close to his chest and nodded, "Yeah I will." I hummed happily and snuggles into him, soon falling asleep in his arms with a faint feeling of his kiss on my forehead.

Sorry it's super short. Didn't know really where to go with it

Till next time, your writer The Gas Mask Maiden

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