Proxies x child reader 2

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This is part 2 of the proxies x child reader from before.
Plus, you now live with just the proxies, in a small cabin.


Y/n's pov.

My air got knock out of my lungs as I get a lovely(Hella sarcasm) kick to my damn stomach, from Masky. Someone caught me before I hit the ground, then I heard hoodie's voice. "Geez Masky, do you have to be so rough with her?" Toby's voice joined in, "Yeah! She only........" "She's 8, Toby."

Masky growls, that can't be good. "Well, if she going to be a proxy, she going to get hurt a few times." Hoodie hands me over to Toby, "Take her inside and get her fixed up." He said quietly. Toby nodded and started walking away. I look over his shoulder to see Hoodie walk over to Masky and punch him straight in the jaw. They start yelling at each other, I sink into Toby's arms.

"Hey kate, does Y/n have any broke ribs?" He lays me down next to her. She looks down and puts a hand on my ribs. Kate rubs her hand over some of them, but she then gets to a spot that make me hiss in pain. I lift up my shirt to see a swollen black and blue bruise on my stomach. Kate broke the silence by saying, "I'll go get the first aid kit."

(Time skip)

Still your pov.

I walk into the living room and see Masky watching tv on the couch. I sit next to him and lean on his side. He growls but before he can say anything I mutter, "I'm sorry you got hurt." He sighs, "How bad is it, pipsqueak?" He wraps one of his arms around my shoulder. "Kate says it's just a fractured rib, but the bruise is pretty bad."

I felt someone else sit on the couch so both me and Masky look over. Hoodie was now sitting at the end of the couch. "Toby, get lost." I look back at Masky, Toby was now sitting next to him. I giggle at them, and then I feel a weight on my side. Luckily not on my hurt side. Kate was now laying on my side and her legs were on Hoodie's lap.

We all ended up sleeping there together on the couch. Intill kate woke everyone up with a 'wake up guys, foods ready'. Sure food's nice and all, but that was the first time everyone sept together, all cuddled up like that.

After everyone ate, Masky, Hoodie and Toby all had to leave on a mission for Slenderman. And even though I was hurt Slender still made me do training with kate. But after the pain of training, kate gave me an ice pack and let me watch tv.

《Time skip》

I hear the door open, I look over to see them bloody and hurt. I get up and run over to them, "What happened?!" Toby closed the door Hoodie crouched in front of me. "Heh....we just ran into some bad company. We'll be okay."

I run out of the room and into the bathroom to get the first aid kit. When I went back, Toby was looking at the tear in his jacket. I went to the person with the most wounds, which was Masky. I try handing it up to him, he looks down, takes it and mutter 'thanks short stack'.

With my blanket wrapped around my body, I hurry to kate's room. I tell her that I want to make some sandwiches for everyone, She smiles and nods. As we were making the sandwiches I overheard the guys talking.

"That damn prick." "I thought Sir told him to stay the hell out of our woods!?" "Pa-pale bast-bastard!" (It was jeff who attacked them) I walk out into the living room, "Who are you talking about?" They all visibly tense up, intill Hoodie sighs "Should we tell her?" Masky picks me up and holds me on his hip, wrapping my blanket around me more.

He sighs, nods and with that they explain everything. Like why I can't play outside at night in the woods and why they came home so wounded today. After that talk, I just sat there on the couch, quietly and slowly eating the sandwich kate made.

Once I was done eating I look up to see them just kinda staring at me. I look back at the floor. "Can we lay together again like yesterday?" They all give their answer, and surprisingly they all said yes. But once we got comfortable, they took off their masks and kinda had just thrown them on the table.

Toby held me close, just twitching every now and then. Masky and Hoodie sat at the ends of the couch with Toby's legs on Hoodie's lap and Kate's on Masky's. But Toby and Kate laid side by side with me laying on Toby's chest. And we slept like that, that night.


Bye, see you in the next chapter

The Gas Mask Maiden

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