Ben Drowned x reader

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I sat in my computer chair with my arm resting on my desk while I watching some videos of cute animals on youtube. But the videos started getting weird, like choppy and lagging like all hell but I didn't think too much about it. Since some videos are like that naturally but they started getting worse by the second. So I closed out of youtube and went to the shut down option but then my cursor stopped mid screen before my monitor's screen went completely black with the words "Don't do that y/n." They were written in a creepy glitch like font but I just stared at it before nervously looking around to see if this was like a prank or something. I actually did look around my room for anything that could show this was just a prank. But when I couldn't find anything I went back to my computer and it had something new written. "I'm not out there." I sit in my chair and stare at it before I looked down and tried writing back. "Just talk, I can hear ya." My eyes widened and I spoke to them with a shaky voice. "W-who are you?" The words disappeared before returning with a new reply, "Ben...Ben Drowned"

I nodded, "okay..." "You don't believe me, do you?" Feeling scared I swallowed but I nodded a little again to it. Then my screen went fully black before there was static which was pretty impossible for a computer and suddenly a hand appearing against the other side of my screen. The suddenness of it scared the shit of me and made me fall back out off my chair. I looked up at it, screaming as the hand, a head and a it's shoulders went through my screen. It made me try to scoot back but I was so scared and frozen I can't get up fast enough to run or anything. His cold hand covered my mouth to stop me from screaming, "Shut up geez. Did I really scare ya that bad?" He chuckles out and shook his head after I had whimpered my answer to him. "Well are you going to scream if I take away my hand?" I shook my head no and he just smirked at my reply, "Good." He lifted his hand off my mouth before sitting in front of me. "Wh-what are y-you?" He smiles, "Meh, don't feel like uh saying."

"What do you want with me?" "Nothing really." "Then leave please." "Sorry, don't want to." That made me groans and shake my head while he just laughed at my reaction. I noticed that he started glitching pretty badly, "uhhhh..." I got his attention to it which made him sigh and get up. "I can't really stay out here for too long so I'm going back into the computer. But don't think I'm leaving ya yet~" He gave me the chills as he went back into my monitor screen. But he appeared again against the screen before he left and my screen went back to normal, "I'll see you later~" His voice made me shiver but I turned off my computer before trying to go to get some sleep.

BEN's pov.

I watch y/n through her computer, making sure she fell asleep before I crawled back out. Going over to her bed and standing over her sleeping form. It made me smile to hear her cute snores but I guess I wanted to be closer. So I carefully floated over her to get to her other side and lay down next to her. "This is weird...." I thought as I laid there for a minute but when she started to move, I panicked and quickly went back into her computer. "I guess I'll just watch you from a distance y/n."


Y/n's pov.

After I got home and finished with everything I had to do I got back on my computer, waiting for anything to happen from him. But nothing happened so I just started playing some bullet hell and I was going alright before I started freaking out over the last ones in the stage. But when they suddenly died and the level was won I sat there in disbelief since that wasn't me. I was actually just going to die by the next hit. Then he popped up on option menu, leaning on it with a smug look on his face. "Aw you're not even going to thank me, how rude." It made me roll my eyes but for some reason I was actually happy to see the creepy son of a bitch again. "So how was work?" "How do you know that?" That smirk on his face got worse before he was suddenly out of my screen and waaaay too close to my face that whatever was pouring out of his eyes was starting to drip on my cheek. "I can move to other technology so I moved to you're phone and watched you from there." His glitchy voice gave me the chills and my eyes started getting watery. Which made his creepy face disappear and get replaced with a much more worried and sorry face. "you're gonna cry? really? um I'm sorry?" I rubbed my eyes before pushing him, accidentally shoving him back into my monitor. "You're an ass." He crossed his arms, "Hey, I apologized-" "Shittyly" 

We stayed quiet for a moment before I suddenly felt his cold hand wipe my cheek, getting the red blood like ooze off my cheek. "I'm sorry, alright? I didn't think it would scare you that badly..." I sighed and grabbed his hand before it went in the computer and he looked pretty confused. "if you can't really come out here, let me go in there please." "What?!" I looked up at the shocked elf with a serous yet calm expression. "Please?" I saw he look away and sigh before his hand tightened around mine."fine...I guess" He pulled me into my computer and it made me fall onto my knees. It made me dizzy just to be in there. I actually just fell down and laid there after I dropped to my knees. Ben though, he just sat down next to me. Rubbing my back as I tried to recover.

I did take a minute to get over it and slowly stand up with ben helping me to stay up. "See you shouldn't be in here." "Shut up, I'm getting kind of used to it." He laughed at my determined expression to walk on my own and stay in here. But I collapsed again... with him looking down at me with a smile on his face. "Shut up, I'll get it." "I didn't say anything y/n~" I glared up at him but tried standing up and walking around. The standing up part I kind of got, it was just walking around that was the problem. And being so dizzy and shaky wasn't helping.

But Ben suddenly grabbed my hands and pulled me up a few feet off the ground. Making us float? "I thought this would be easier for you since your legs are still too wobbly for walking in here." I smacked his chest, "why didn't you tell me about this before?" He shrugs and rubbed the back of his neck, "Well I didn't know which one you would get used to faster." I sighed since that did make sense but it still would've saved me from hurting myself with those falls. But after I got over myself, I just happily leaned into Ben's chest. Then when I felt him tensed I pulled away just in case I made him uncomfortable. But once he felt me start to pull away he grabbed me and pulled me back into him. "Stay please..." I nodded and nuzzled his chest, feeling myself starting to fall asleep. And when I looked up at him, he was already asleep but a weird feeling in my hand got my attention.

It was starting to glitch...
"Guess I'm staying in here whether I like it or not..."

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