Jeffery x reader

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Your pov.

I played with Jeff in my tree house, battling each other with our pokemon (ds or cards, whichever). But I got a pouting look on my face after Jeff had beaten me. Him dancing around and laughing not helping. When he noticed my angry pouting, he stopped and sat back down next to me. Wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he leaned his head on mine, "Don't be mad you lost to the champ." "You had a freaking Gyarados that knocked out half of my team!" I had pulled away from him, turning away from him with my arms crossed over my chest. He groaned and got by my side again, "I'll give you some of my cookies if you stop being a party pooper." He grabbed one to then poke it against my cheek as he chuckles a little. "Cooome on, you know you want to." I could help but smile and take the cookie from him. "See there ya go, all better."

We laughed and ate his cookies together as we played in my tree house. But when it started getting chilly, I got up and grabbed us a blanket so we could stay up there for longer. But that didn't happen since my mom came out and told us it was time to come inside. "But it's not even that cold!" "Y/n I can see you're goosebumps from down here." I groaned after she had made us come down the tree house latter and into the house. "But mooom, you promised we could camp out there!" She ruffled up my hair and sighed, "Fine, reset up your sleeping bags outside but in the tree house, not actually out on the grass." "Yes!" We smiled and ran into the living room to get our sleeping bags. Rolling them up just barely so we could hold them a little better as we ran outside back to the tree house. "Get your jackets in case it gets too cold!" My mom yelled at me as me and Jeff stood at the tree house's latter. "Fine" I groan but still climbed up so I could help Jeff get our sleeping bags up in it. "Hey, I'll go get our jackets for us alright?" He said with a little bit of a blush, it didn't really get my attention so I just shrugged. "Oh okay, thanks. I'll set up the sleeping bags then." I moved my head back from the doorway and started spread out our sleeping bags kind of next to each other.

He came up the latter a few minutes later, with his on and mine over his shoulder. His face seemed to get a little redder when he saw how close the sleeping bags were together but he looked away and handed me my jacket. I was a little cold so I got it on before getting half way into my sleeping bag, "Are you going to sleep? Are we going to play some more games?" He looked down for a second before answering, "We sh-should just get some sleep..." I lifted my eyebrow but shrugged as I got the rest of me into my sleeping bag. Kind of giggling under my breath at him now that I finally realized he was embarrassed. But when I looked over where he was, all I could see was his brown hair sticking out from the sleeping bags and that he was facing away.

I thought he was upset so I started scooting a little closer-

~End of daydreaming~

My thoughts get interrupted by (friend/coworker's name) calling out my name and trying to get my attention again."Y/N! Y/n, you okay?!" "Hehe, yeah, I'm fine" I get up and go get some water, my past starting to come back to me after I saw his murders on the news again.

"Look back on life and you'll see that some of the best memories will be just simple moments spent with friends..."

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