Fem! Toby x male naga reader lemon

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Tina aka girl Ticci Toby is NOT wearing that. Oh, and you're in heat. Have fun!

Your pov.

"This is HORRIBLE!" That and lust was the only thing that was on my mind. My knuckles whitening with the rougher I grabbed at the soft bed sheets, my hips grinding against them while I laid in my bed.  I suddenly heard my door open, "Oh my god, I forgot to lock it!" My thoughts stopped by a familiar female voice and too strong of a scent.

“H-hey babe!” Nononono! She can’t be in here with me like this! “Ar-are you o-okay?” She asked while slowly walking closer to me on the bed before I could hear her chuckle a little. “Oh, I d-didn’t kno-know you had tw-two dicks~” “Tin-tina get out before I do something I regret.” She pulls me up so I was sitting up on the edge with my tail was off the bed. Her hands ending up on either side of my hips as she leaned up her breasts against my chest when she got close to my face. “Is som-someone in he-heat~?” I tried to push her away from me but my hands had landed on her soft breasts. “So soft~” I squeeze them in my hands, soft moans starting to come from her before she pulled away. Leaving me hungry for her soft flesh as she got on her knees with her covered pussy resting on my tail in between her legs. Her hands now slowly rubbing one of my members while she looked up at me with lust hinted in her eyes, “C’mon y-you do-don’t re-real-really want me to le-leave, right?” I whimper and wiggle my tail in between her leg, making it rub against her.

She moved her mouth onto to one, giving it licks and kisses as her hand took care of the other one. “Ahh~ Tin-Tina~” She took the tip into her mouth and teased me without mercy like that before pulling away with an embarrassingly loud pop, “Mm ba-babe I c-can feel you pul-pulsing~” I hissed a little under my heavy panting as I brushed my hair off my already sweaty forehead. “Shut up and strip.”  She laughed and bit her lip as she started taking off her clothes. Letting me get a nice view of everything as she strip teased me. But once she was done I was able to pull her naked body close to mine and give her a passionate kiss. Her arms wrapped around my neck with her fingers getting tangled through my hair. I kind of shoved my long snake tongue into her mouth but that lead her to pull away with a small cough. “Geez, yo-you cou-could have war-warned me.” “Sor-sorry…”

She sat on the bed with her back against the wall and her legs spread for me. Letting me get a nice smell for her musk already before I was even close to her pussy. “Sho-show me wh-what y-you ca-can do with tha-that tongue~” I leaned down and grabbed her legs, spreading them a bit more as I licked up her pussy with my tongue. My split tongue twirling around her clit with her juices making me hungrier and hungrier for her. So I grabbed her legs, putting them on my shoulders as I shoved my tongue into her pussy. Thrusting it into her as I growled into her flesh, her body trembling from me. Her back suddenly arched and her walls got tighter around my tongue as she came. Getting her cum on my bed but mostly in my mouth and on my cheeks.

I pulled away and wiped off my face of her cum as I looked down at her, her chest falling and rising as she panted. She looked sexy like that, so much that I just had to change places with her and set her on my lap. Her thick ass pressing against my throbbing members as she sat there. She caught her breath first before she picked up her hips and lined up her entrances with my members. And when she pushed herself down, it made us both moan out in pleasure.

“S-so ful-full~!” She mumbled as she grinds herself on me, letting my members feel up her inner walls. But it made me groan under my breath because of the friction and the tight hold her tensed walls had on my members. It made me buck my hips up since I was starting to get impatient. I didn’t wait for her to get too comfortable with my size before I started thrusting up into her. “Ah~ Y-y/n har-harder~!” I smirked and grabbed her hips, digging my claws into her soft flesh. Knowing she couldn’t feel it I probably did it a little harder than I should have since it still would have to heal. “So fuck’n tight~!” I hissed as I leaded forward, kind of hiding my face in the crook of her neck as I pounded my hips up into hers. With me being so close, she tangled her fingers through my hair again with her other hand clawing my back.

I was starting to get sloppy with my thrusts since with each one I was getting closer to cumming. My scales stood on end as I came, the knot in my stomach snapping finally. My thick cum filling her up to the brim in both of her entrances while hers made a pretty good size mess on my lap. Tina get off me slowly and then fell down on the bed, making me kind of laugh. But I soon joined her with my tail and arms around her. Holding her close to my sweaty body as I nuzzled my head into her neck, “I love you…” “H-heh I lov-love you too”


Outside of the room

Jenny (girl Jeff): Man, Tina’s lucky.

Benny (girl ben): Shut up Jenny! They’ll hear!

Sammy (boy Sally): Why are you listening in on Y/n?

Both of the girls: Uuuuuuhhhh………

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