Ben Drowned x child lamia reader

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Fluff warning

You are now a lamia or naga or whatever you call it, but you kinda look like that ^.

If you didn't already know.


BEN's pov.

I slowly walk though slender's woods, bored and not really wanting to play any games. While walking I hear a twig snap, I stop and sigh. "Jeff if that's you, this isn't funny and you're not going to scare me like last time." I hear a small little girls laugh. "Sally?" I hear another small laugh and then, "It's kinda mean to guess someone's name." I look up with a 'what the fuck' face and see a small girl in the trees. She smiles and comes down out of the tree. "Hi my name's Y/n." "My's Ben Drowned, what even are you?" "I'm a lamia!" She said with a smile. "O-okay." I slowly start walking back to mansion. "Hey where you going and can I come too?" I look back at her, I sigh and nodded. "YAY!"

《Small time skip》
(cause I'm too lazy)

Still BEN's pov.

I open the mansions door, walking in with Y/n, a big smile on her face. "Woah!" "Never seen the inside of a house before?" She ignored me and kept looking around. I sigh, walking into the living room to see jeff playing a game on the tv. "Yo jeff, look what I found in the woods." " Let me finish this level first." He growls, I wave for Y/n to follow me and stop us at the side of the couch. "Jeff, look goddamn it." He pauses the game and finally looks over, "What?" I point at Y/n, he then looked down, his eyes widened as they met Y/n's e/c orbs. "This is Y/n, she's a lamia and I found her out in the woods." She waves, "You look cool.....what's your name?" "Uh thanks...and it's Jeff." "Watch her while I go make us some sandwiches." I said as I leave the living room and head to the kitchen.

Y/n's pov

"What's that?" I asked while pointing to the box full of colors. "It's a tv and I'm playing a game on it." "Cool!" I sit right in front of it then heard "Come sit back here on the couch or you'll ruin your eyes." I move and look at him, our eyes meeting. He looks back at the thing called a tv and pushed a button on the thing he's holding. I watched, slowly getting bored with the flashing colors on the tv.

I then leave that room, looking for more cool stuff. I struggle to go up the staircase. But once up them I slither down the hallway, not really watching my surroundings. Which lead me into bumping into someone with me then backing up and looking up at the person I ran into. To meet to men, one wearing a white mask with black feminine looking eyes on it. And the the other wearing a black mask with red eyes and a red mouth.

"Uh (man with black mask looks at white masked man) did someone spike our cheesecake again?" They both then look at me adding more scariness. I then (like a dork) scream at the top of my lungs, slither away as fast as possible. Going down the stairs and into the living room, to see Ben and Jeff yelling at each other.

BEN's pov.

I feel something suddenly start to crush my ribs, I look down to see a crying, tightly wrapped around me, (y/n). I hear running footsteps after and look up to see masky and hoodie.

"Ben who is that?" Masky said in a threatening voice. "Uh, it's-" "Give me an honest answer." "Let us have a house meeting with Slender and everyone, and I'll explain then." "Fine." He growls.

《Time skip》

(Y/n) pov.

I was scared of what would happen to me. Would I be kick out or not? A billion questions were on my mind, as I watched Ben and this Slenderman person talked, while I ate the sandwich Ben made me.

Slenderman looked dead at me, "Jeffrey go take the child to play with Sally." Jeff then came up to me "Come on kiddo." He said quietly, holding out his arms to pick me up. I move over to him, he then picked me up and I wrap my tail around him. "What going to happen to me?" "I don't know, it's up to Slender." 

Slenderman's pov.

My my, Ben is really pushing it to have her stay here. If he wants that lamia to stay here so bad, I cut him off with "I'll give her one week and then I'll make my decision." "Really!?" Ben asked with a smile and a little too loud for my liking. "Masky had said you wanted a house meeting with everyone to introduce her?" "Yeah." "Good, I will get everyone together in the living room."

《Time skip》
(I'm too lazy to write the meeting part)

BEN's pov.

Me and (y/n) were in my room play some video games, but it was mostly me just playing and (y/n) watching.

She looked at me adding "Hey Ben, do you think Slenderman will let me stay?" I paused the game and look down at the controller that was in my lap. A small smile appeared on my face "Yeah." Now with a bigger smile on my face, she smiles too then does something that surprised me.

(Y/n) had put her head on shoulder, my body tensed up on it's own. She pulled away with a worried expression. "It's okay, that just surprised me." (Y/n) then carefully and slowly put her head back on my shoulder. I smile as put my head on hers. 

《Tiny time skip》

I gaze at (y/n), she was starting to fall asleep. "Wanna go to sleep, (y/n)?" She yawns and nods. I get up and turn off the tv. "I'll walk you to your room." "No, I want to sleep in here with you!" I go over to my bed, moving the blankets to the sided.

"Well come on." I lay myself down on to the clean sheets, waiting for her to join me. She lays down and wraps her tail around me. I move my arms around her, holding her in place and cuddling her. 

"Good night, Ben."
"Good night, (y/n)."
Hey, I'm sorry everyone for just leaving this one half done but it's now finished and I hope you enjoyed it.

Your writer, The Gas Mask Maiden

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