Homicidal Liu x alone reader

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Your pov.
I sat quietly on a bench that was at the end of this park and by the entrance to this forest. But well, while I sat there I had my headphones in and my favorite book in my lap.

I would occasionally glance up at the people around me. Frowning slightly when I saw all the happy couples and groups of kids running around laughing. Everyone here at the park was having some kind of fun with others. But I guess I had my own idea of fun, which was this. Reading and listening to music outside on a nice sunny day.

And I mean I knew I had family who were there for me but I guess I just didn't want to be with them. Like hang out or anything. I guess that's why I don't have friends. I never wanted them or put in the effect to make any that I've just always been alone in a way.

But after a while of being in my thoughts, I didn't even see that it was getting dark but I didn't care. I just kind of watched the forest more since I got such an uncertain feeling from it. As if something in it was watching me but I just brushed it off and kept one of my headphones out of my ears.

Liu and Sully's pov.
We quietly watched her from a distance in the forest, watching her read her book as the soft breeze blew through her hair. And after some time I snuck up to the bench to sit next to her, which apparently scared her and made her jump from the bench to the ground once she saw we were there.

"Who are you?" She with fear in her voice but damn, to me it sounded so angelic. "I'm Liu and I'm sully" Sully laughed when she looked around to see where his voice came from, not for sure that he came from me. But not to be rude, I held me hand out to help her up from the ground. "I won't hurt you. I just want to help you up and talk a little." It was going okay so far before Sully had to say something, "I might hurt ya, just saying."

I could see the nervousness in her face after he said that, "Please don't worry about him, I can keep him under control most of the time" She swallowed a little bit but she took my hand. So I helped her back up off the ground, and her hand was so soft to against my skin. It felt nice to hold her hand till she cleared her throat a little, making me jerk my hand away. "I-I'm sorry, I guess I spaced out there."

"Uh yeah, sure." She had looked at me pretty confused and sketched out about me but she dusted herself off before she sat back down next to me.

After we talked for awhile and she was giggling and calm around us. She didn't seem scared or nervously anymore. But sully had to kinda make things awkward, "babe, this sweet talk is getting boring. Sully shut up, we're having fun." She just kind of laughed and shook her head before I realized that this was fun. I wanted this to happen again. So before I said anything I rubbed the back of my neck while looking down, "So um speaking of this being fun... do you think we could do it again?" She chuckles a little and smirks, "Like a date?" I gulped and nodded without realizing it. "Hm well I guess we could but when?" I looked up at her with an excited expression on my face, "Friday, here again?"

She looked down as if to think it over before she looked back over to me. "Yeah that'll work out great." She then got up to stretch then grabbed her self from off the bench, "Well I gotta go but I'll see ya here Friday I guess, right?"

"Yeah, see you then"

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