Jane x shy M! reader x Clocky

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Lemon, limey? It might just a bj so not sure. Read to find out

Your pov.

I sat in my computer chair with my controller in my hands. I was kinda playing (your favorite game) but I was just kinda out of it. I was bored but there was nothing really there for me to do so late at night besides sleep and I wasn't tired yet. So I was left with really nothing to do but play my game till I was bored of that for the night.

I started just barely hearing something through my headphones. So I looked back and took one side of my headphones off to see if I was imagining it or something. I heard a girl giggle behind me so I tried turning around in my chair but I was stopped with feminine hands on my shoulders. I freaked my out and I looked up to see who it was. I saw two females behind me with the girl in the black dress hands on my shoulders. "Oh my, you're kinda cute~" My face lit up with blush after her compliment. "Wha-" "Hey clocky, you think can make a deal with him?" I swallowed as she forced me to keep my head up staring at her. "Like what?" The other girl said with some attitude from the shadows of my room. "Let his family live but he has to come with us. Be our little play thing~" My face got much much darker as I tried getting my word in. "Wa-wait don't I get to say something about this?" The girl behind me looked down at me with a lifted eyebrow. "Maybe we can give you a little taste of what you'll get if you choose to have your family dead and not have unlimited sex."

"Um what's your names?" She giggles and leaned down to me, now knowing I got a black lipstick mark on my forehead. "I'm Jane, my friend is clockwork." Her friend decided to finally come closer and I got a good look at them. My eyes landing a bit more on Jane because of her short dress. I swallowed as my body got warmer, my member twitching a little in my loose shorts. Which got Clockwork's attention, "He seems to like you Jane" She laughed and leaned down, her hands going down my chest and stomach to my shorts. A bulge starting to show through them since Jane's breasts were right in face. I hear clockwork laugh, "Jane, you're going to kill him." She pulled away and let me breath as my member was now eagerly standing up in my shorts. "Y-you're not going to le-leave me like this, right?"

Clockwork grabbed me by my chin turning me to look up at her. "I don't think so, kinda watching got my excited so I'm down now." Jane clapped and smiled, "So that answers that~" Jane pulled my chair away from my desk so the two of them could get in between my legs on the floor. My face getting covered up in blush as they pulled off my shorts and boxers, letting my member finally free. "N-ngh~" I tried to bite my lip before I would get too loud but they wouldn't stand for that. Jane started leaving a trail of black lipstick kiss marks on one side of my member as clockwork left a trail of saliva on the other side from her teasing licks. I moan out and sunk down in my chair but covered my mouth before more moans could slip out since I had my family sleeping a few rooms away. "Mmm~" I let out muffled groans and whines as I had to deal with their teasing. I saw that they looked at each other, as if knowing what each other was thinking.

They suddenly got up and pulled me to my bed, pushing me onto it. "Let's see how good that tongue is~" Clockwork said as she smirked down at me before she would pull off her pants and underwear. Dropping them on my floor to then crawl over me with her legs on either side of my head and her pussy right above my face. I jerked suddenly and accidentally put my mouth against her, moaning out into her after I could feel Jane rubbing her wet pussy on my member. I laid my head back down soon after I realized what happened. But as I laid there I licked my lips of the mess I got from clockwork's pussy. "Well~ come on chicken." I blushed but I wasn't going to let her talk down to me. So I wrapped my arms around her thighs and brought her down onto my mouth. My tongue taking slow licks from her entrance to her clit while Jane's grinding made me moaning into clockwork. When I was at her clit I gave it light nibbles and sucks, making her start to squirm on my face. I soon received her orgasm, having her juices drip down my cheeks as she lifted her hips up. "Oh fu-fuck, definitely gonna have to keep him..."

When she got off me I was able to see Jane, still teasing her and myself with her grinding. But she then got off of me too, "Pl-please don't, st-stay!" She giggles and pulls me up to stand as she took my spot on my bed. "Let's see how much of a dom you can be~" "oh th-that's what she wants...this isn't going to end well..." I sighed softly and grab her hips with one hand as I lined myself up to her with my other. I shivered as I thrusted into her, my already sensitive member starting to throb inside her wet walls. But since I was in her, I put my free on her hip before I started moving.

Jane's pov.

I watched him as he started pumping into me, he started out a little slow and uneven but he got pretty good. "He's more of a cute sub than a dom" I thought before I moaned out when he hit kind of deep, his movements getting faster as he clawed my hips. "Y-you got a bit of a dom in, ngh, y-ya~" He looked down at my stomach so I wouldn't see his blush but that didn't help hide it when there was so much. So Clocky could get back into our fun I motioned her to him with a tilt of my head. She got it and walked over to his side, wrapping her arms around his waist as she kissed his neck. He let out more of his cute soft moans as he leaned into her and kept thrusting into me. One of his hands rubbed thigh, going up my leg to my pussy where he could start playing with my clit as his other hand did the same with Clocky. I started getting much closer to cumming once he started that. He sunk down a little and grunts under his breath when could feel that I was getting tighter around him. 

His movements getting sloppy with each thrust into me but after we reached that high and finally came, I had arched my back off his bed while he had pull out and came on my stomach. His face lighting up again once he saw the mess he made on me, "I-I'm sorry, I wasn't sur-sure what to do." I grabbed a handful of his sheets and wiped my stomach clean of his cum before smirking up to him. "Don't worry, it happen quite a few times if you do want to leave with us." Clocky chuckles and stood behind him, her arms wrapping around his waist as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Yeah whimp, you gonna come back with us or we going to have to kill you and your family? Come on, pick the obvious one." He swallowed but mumbled his answer to her. "Good boy" She smirked and pulled away from his back to then force me to stand up on my shaking legs. "Get ready so we can leave. We were loud so we have a risk that your family woke up."

Your pov.

The girls started getting dressed while I did the same before trying to get a bag of clothes together. My mind racing, I would have to leave my family. My little (bro/sis) mostly was my worry. (He/she) were so young and close with me, it felt horrible that I would have to leave (him/her). "Hurry up please m/n." Jane gently placed her hand on my shoulder after she got my attention from my thoughts. She then cupped my cup in her hand and rubbed my cheek with her thumb, letting me realize I had started crying. I didn't want them to see so I turned away and wipe the tears away with the back of my hand.

"I have to do something before we leave." Clockwork groans from behind Jane while she sent glares back at her for being rude. "What is it m/n?" "I...I have to say goodbye to my (brother/sister)." Jane smiles a little and nodded, moving to the side for me to pass and leave my room.

With my bag on my back and the two following behind me, we went to my sibling's room. I did stop on the way there when I noticed a small picture of me with them, grabbing it quietly and putting it in my bag before continuing. My heart heavy with sadness as I opened the door and walk to their bed. I swallowed a little and gently shook (him/her) awake. "H...huh? Big brother?" "Shhh (sibling's name), I have to be quick. I'm leaving with the two girls behind me, okay? I'm sorry if this is hard to understand but I gotta. But be quiet about it, okay? Pinky promise you won't tell." I held out my pinky to my confused sibling, their face filling up with sadness as they pinky promised. I heard the two behind me quietly bickering but I gave my sibling one last tight hug before standing up. My hands shaking as I tucked (him/her) back in bed with one of the stuff animals I gave them.

And with that we had to leave, my whole body just hurting as I walked with the two girls to wherever they were taking me. The two held my hands once they saw how broken up I was about the whole thing. Clockwork mumbled a little bit to me, "Hey I'm sorry about being a bit hard on you. This whole thing has been pretty damn sudden. But this is much better than having them be dead and you being forced to leave with us anyway. Or even be dead with them." I mumbled a yeah and kept my eyes to the ground as we all walked down the dark street to the forest at the end of my town.

Got uh bit sad at the end there, didn't really mean it to be the case.

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