Smile dog x wolf pup reader

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Poor alone wolf pupper ;_;

Third pov.

Smile walked through the snow storm, keeping his ears down so not as much snow got in them. Shivering in the storm as he continued walked around for food. But instead of hearing a human, he heard the weak whimpers of a pup. He tried ignoring it but even through the high winds of the storm he couldn't not hear the whimpers. So he ran to where he could hear it and found a frozen over female wolf. He was stocked since he could still hear the pup's whines. Then smile kind of saw that some of the snow was moving so he dug under it slightly with his nose before he found the weak cold wolf pup. Smile pieced things together that the mother had cleared a spot and protected the pup till she had sadly passed from the freezing blizzard. He felt horrible and grabbed the pup by it's scruff before trying to get back to the house.

Smile had dashed through the house to his bed in Jeff's room. Putting the wolf puppy into his bed before pulling off Jeff's blanket from his bed to make a warmer and better heat saving bed for him and the puppy. When he was done with placing the blanket in his bed, smile grabbed the pup and curled up around it. But Jeff came into the room and noticed that smile had stole his blanket. "Smile, fucking really? Give that back." Jeff went to reach for his blanket but smile quickly snapped at him, giving Jeff a small glance of why he had it in his bed. "Is that your puppy?" Smile looked down at it before nodding to Jeff and curling tighter around the wolf pup. "You have a name for it? Do you even know what gender?" He looked at the pup, now taking the time to finally see the pup was female. But it took him a minute before he decided on a name for her.


Jeff's pov. (Later)

"Man he's been in bed a lot lately. Is he alright?" I glanced over at ben as I smashed my fingers on the controller's buttons, "Oh yeah, smile found this pup-" "What?!" Sally's loud and sudden voice scared the shit out of apparently both of us, guessing on how our controllers were half way across the room now. I laughed the shock away while sally and ben both sat there eager to hear. "Well as I was saying, he found this puppy in the snow and I guess hasn't woken up yet since he came back. And it's been about two days?" Sally's face changed pretty quickly from excited to about to cry. "Oh g-geez sally come on" Ben tried to get her not to cry and fast before Slender got the wrong idea and gave us punishment from making her cry. So I helped too, "Sally come on, do you um wanna try to go see it? If smile will let us" Sally sniffed and nodded so I grabbed her to carry her to my room as Ben floated behind me.

Third pov.

Smile was sitting curled up around y/n, his mind thinking the worse but he tried not to give up hope for her to finally wake up. He stared at her as she slept before he huffed and put his head down next to her's. But when y/n started to squirm and whine, he nuzzles his head against her. Trying to calm her down or wake her up but when her eyes opened and he could finally see the small pup's eyes with a (e/c) glow he about started crying. Y/n saw him and the room around them with tiny barely open eyes, making her whimper at the size of everything. Including the pretty scarey smile that was right over her but once he realized she was scared he grabbed some raw meat that was sitting in his food bowl and tried to offer it to her.

But then they came into the room, Jeff, Sally and Ben. And they all went over to smile while Jeff ask how things are going. "Fine, she just woke up." Sally butted in and pick up y/n, making her yelp. "Smile she's a baby, they usually have milk to eat!" Smile seemed stocked but then figure out that she wouldn't be able to eat the meat. "Well do we have anything to feed her with?" They all thought for a minute before Ben got an idea, "Sally uh you have a baby bottle for your doll right? We can use that and uh warm up some milk." Jeff got up with sally and they left to grab the bottle. While ben stayed with smile and y/n, "So um can I hold her?" Smile looked down at y/n and grabbed her by her scruff to put her by him. Letting her crawl into his lap herself before she curled up there as they waited.

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