Jtk x reader x BEN lemon

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Gonna try to write a threesome...

Third pov.

Y/n was doing some gaming on her computer (or watching youtube, whichever you'd like) her fingers playing with the mouse and her keyboard. But as she was messing around in her usual boring night there was two figures watching her. When she got a shiver down her spine like something wasn't right she glanced back and around her room. Then look back at her monitor after she saw nothing, but she still couldn't shake off the feeling someone was there with her. Y/n was about to turn off her computer, since she just realized the time, but she suddenly stopped in her tracked by the new pair of hands on her shoulders. "Hold on baby, don't turn that off till my buddy comes out." She nervously looks up at who was holding her in place, seeing the horrifying familiar pale face and wide cut smile made the tears start to slowly flow down her cheeks. "Oh y/n, don't be scared by my beautiful face. I'm not gonna hurt ya yet." A new voice joined in and the hand now cupping her cheek, quickly brought her attention to it. "Well Jeff, she is a virgin~" "Right, forgot." "Wow..." "Shut up Ben." Y/n whimpered, now knowing why they were there. The tiny sound of her got the attention of them both and Ben crawled he's way out of her computer. Pulling her away from Jeff and hugging her, whispering into her ear. "Babe, it'll be alright. We aren't gonna kill ya...." She shivered at his warm breathe on her ear and neck but jerked slightly when she felt a wet tongue against her neck. Jeff laughed from behind her as he got to watch Ben calm her down but also start the fun.

Y/n squirmed and nervously grabbed onto Ben's tunic while he made hickeys on the right side of her neck. Jeff got jealous and wrapped his arms around her, moving his hands up her shirt to start playing with her breasts. "Mmm? No bra~? Nice~" He purred into her other ear before he started leaving hickeys too. "Ben move real quick." Ben sighed and pulled away so Jeff had a chance to pull off y/n's shirt. Getting a better grab on her chest, Jeff let ben return to y/n. Ben laughed a little when he could hear her moaning but went back to her ear as his hand went down into her (pants/shorts), "Damn so wet already. Jeff come on, let's get her on the bed." Jeff nodded and pulled y/n to her bed.

But just before getting into bed, they helped get her undressed with her then standing there trying to slightly cover herself with her hands. She mumbled something and blushed as she looked away. "What was that babe?" "I-I sa-said it's n-not fair that y-you're still dressed..." The boys had an oh moment before they started pulling off their clothes. Making y/n look away even more while covering her red face with her hands. Jeff sat on her bed slightly against the wall, pulling her ass with him. Having her sit in his lap, right on his dick so he could have them feel each other. Y/n shivered and whined slightly at the new feeling before Ben sat down in front of her. He looked back at Jeff and nodded before he started a passionate kiss with y/n. Shoving his tongue into the shocked girl's mouth. But when she was distracted, Jeff reached around her and played with her clit as he thrust his dick into her. Ben whimpers and pulled back, covering his mouth while y/n cried and panicked. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Jeff laughed before Ben sighed and swallowed. "I'm fine. That just fucking hurt, damn."

Y/n had bitten Ben's tongue after Jeff had shoved himself into her used to be virgin pussy. Ben sighed and give her another kiss before he stood up. His dick right in her face, "Come on baby, you can start with me while Jeff waits for ya." Y/n's blushed darkened before opening her mouth for him. Smirking, Ben thrusted his member into her open mouth. Grunting softly as he grabbed her hair and moved his hips faster.

Jeff watched with a bit of a jealous expression on his face but he sighed and played with her plump ass. Bitting his lip and moaning slightly when y/n grinded on him, letting him know she was ready. Both males smirked before they started thrusting into y/n's mouth and pussy. Letting out struggled moans y/n continued moving on her own. Grinding against Jeff's thrusts while slightly bobbing her head for Ben. All of them moaning  from the pleasure they were receiving.

But when Jeff felt her tighten around him, he started getting rougher with his thrusts. Making her closer to cum and also push her into ben, having her take more of Ben's dick into her throat. Y/n whimpered to the sudden pain in her hips but realized that Jeff had started clawing her. But she realized that she was kind of liking it so she let him continue. But again, she probably shouldn't have since she was getting so close to her orgasm. Ben was twitching and trying to hold his release while holding y/n's head close as he thrusted into her throat. His struggled whimpers got Jeff's attention, making him laugh. "You alright there ben?" Ben tried getting something out but just gave up and nodded. Jeff shook his head and chuckled before digging his nails harder into y/n's hips and even leaning forward as he came. Groaning and letting out his panting while he fell back against the wall. He looked down and gripped her ass cheek to spread it slightly so he could see the cum pour out of her. "Mmm damn baby, you got a lot out of me~" Ben could see and particularly feel the dark hot blush on her face as he moved his hips. "Yo Jeff, rub her clit. She doesn't seem like she came yet." Jeff nodded and started rubbing her clit, getting her juices and his cum all over her throbbing clit. "Fuck that feels good, keep doing that. Her moaning feels amazing around my dick~" Ben tightened his hold on y/n's hair and pulled her mouth down to the base of his member. His cum now filling her mouth and even slightly running down her chin. He did a small thrust and smirk, "Come on baby, swallow it and cum all over Jeff's hand~"

Jeff was slightly jealous but sighs and licks her cum off his hand, "She did when you came." "O-oh." Ben looked away slightly and swallowed, a little embarrassed that he came so hard that he didn't notice she came with him. Having noticed she swallowed his came he pulled out and let her wipe off her chin. But his face darkened a little when she licked it off her hand. She was panting but she wasn't comfortable laying like that anymore so she sat up to then lean into Jeff's chest. Letting him wrap his arms around her and played with her neck. "So baby, did you like that~?" Y/n smiled, "Y-yeah, it felt pretty damn good"

Ben kind of cut in with his arms crossed at them, "you gonna lay down so I can lay down with her too?" Jeff laughed while y/n blushed as she pulled away from him. Letting ben get on the bed and lay down on the other side of her. Jeff like passed out on her right with ben on her left and his arms around her. While she got comfortable, ben whispered in her ear with his warm breathe giving her chills. "We might disappear in the morning but don't worry, I'll be back to hang out with you as much as I really can. I don't know what he'll do but this won't just be a one night stand for me y/n." And with that, y/n fell asleep calmly in Ben's arms. Letting herself easily sink into sleep with the help from his cuddling.

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