Ticci Toby x M! reader x Ben drowned

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Your pov.

I wondered into the living room of the mansion, my path being lead in there since I could hear the laughs of ben and toby in there. I was greeted by them in each other's clothes, which left a confused smile on my face. When they noticed I was in there though, they stopped laughing and blushed.

"What are you guys doing?" I said with a chuckle and my hand resting on my hip as I waited for an answer from them. They glanced at each other before just shrugging for the answer. "Bored? I guess." Ben mumbled as he messed with Toby's goggles on his forehead. I kind of covered my mouth as I giggled and grabbed my phone from my pocket. I actually got a quick picture and ran out of the living room before they could know what even happened.

But as I ran down the hallway, I could hear them running behind me. Yelling that I should delete the picture and not to show anyone. I had me laughing so hard that I was starting to get stomachache. But they caught me just as I was trying to get into my room and they trap me in there.

Toby grabbed me and trapped me in his twitchy bear hug while ben grabbed my phone from me. He started to go through my gallery to find the picture I took of them. "Found it."  He mumbled as he then deleted the cute photo of them from my phone. But it started worrying me as he continued swiping through all my pictures. "Ben stop!" I started squirming in Toby's arms but he held me tighter to his chest.

Ben's small gasp had me and toby stop moving and made us both look up at him. "God, what did he find?" Ben showed me what was on the screen of my phone. While showing me the horrible picture of me when I was little, toby got to see it as well. My goofy little smile that was missing my front teeth and the favorite stuff animal that was in my arms. I never should have kept that picture, but it had been so long that I forgot I even had it.

Toby started laughing and ben gave me a hug while I was still trapped in Toby's arms. "Oh my god, you were adorable!" I growl lightly under my breath and crossed my arms, "I fucking hate you." "Y-you look so g-goofy an-and spazzy!" Toby joined in over his laughing, which he was kinda turning red from. "You two are such assholes." My angry attitude just made the two guys just enjoy the whole situation even more. Commenting on how I look cute while mad and how I was so adorable in the stupid picture. It was irritating beyond all belief but seeing them so fucking happy about such a little thing just was making me smile a bit.

Even if they were laughing about how stupid I looked when I was little after I had to get some teeth pulled, and I had to hold "mr. blaze" the adorable fire plush to cheer me up again.

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