Jane x Reader

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Your pov.
I was reading while laying in bed, I could hear some fighting from downstairs. It stopped with Slender's booming voice though the whole house, it actually made me jump. "Jesus!" I sighed and sat down again, trying to calm my heart rate. I heard someone stomping up the stairs and down the hall to my room. That's when my door slammed open and then closed, leaving a very very angry Jane stuck with me in my room.

She kicked off her shoes as she walked over to my bed. "Y-yes babe?" I mumbled while closing my book and putting on my nightstand. "Move over." I swallowed but moved closer to the wall. Which made room for her to lay down next to me. "Give me love." I blinked in surprise but chuckled a little and started brushing my fingers through her hair. Her hair was silky soft, I think I might have to ask what type of conditioner she uses. She started going off in a rant about how annoying Jeff was. I was sitting up but I slide down and wrapped my arms around her. She slowly stopped talking after this and nuzzled into my chest. "Your boobs are good pillows..." I laughed but couldn't help the blush that showed up. "I'm sorry for ranting Y/n." She sighed that into my chest and I replied while gently playing with her hair. "Don't worry about it Jane."

I wrapped my arms around her, gently rubbing her smooth sides before yawning. "It's still day time, so can we nap before I have to do my night patrols?" She nuzzled her face into my chest again when she nodded. Her being that close to my boobs made me blush again. "You get so embarrassed so easily. Calm your heartbeat if you expect to sleep." I let out an embarrassed chuckle and held her a little tighter to me. "Sleep well babe, and if you need me. I'll always be at your side. No matter what." She let out a relieved sigh as we both started to pass out together. Her warm body against mine was making the blanket barely be needed.

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