Human smile dog x reader

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7 minutes in heaven themed

I put my hand in the hat, feeling around for something that interested me. I felt something like fabric with a clasp. So I pull it out, trying to avoid all the sharp object in the hat. I ended up pulling out a dark red collar. "Is someone a kinky bitch or is this a pet's?" I said as I started spinning the collar around my finger before it got snatched of my hand. I see a rather cute guy unbuckle the collar and put it around his neck.

"He cute but I've never seen him here before. Wait." I read the tag, "Smile!?" And before he could answer someone shoved us into the closet. His back was pushed against the wall with me pushed against his chest. "Uh, I'm sorry." I try to back away from him. Keyword try, because he then wrapped his arms around my waist before I could pull away. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" I swallowed hard as he began to kiss my neck. He picks me up easily and slammed me against the closet door causing the door to shake from the weight and hit.

He makes me jump up and wrap my legs on his hips. He started to suck and bite my neck in till he found that special spot. "N-ngh~Smile there please~" I ran my fingers through his hair till I found his ears. I begain to rub his ears, making him growl and sinks his teeth into my shoulder. "Smile not so rough!" He deeply chuckles and then starts thrusting into my hips, creating friction between us.

I move my hands to his shoulder, holding on tightly. Smile kissed me hard as his thrusts shook the door. I moan loudly, giving him the chance to shoved his tongue into my mouth.

"Oi Smile you're going to break the door! And you have one minute left!" Smile didn't seem to care, actually his thrusts started getting harder. The door then suddenly open, making me and Smile fall to the ground. But he grabs me and ran upstairs to finish off what we started.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

There you go, a Smile dog x reader! Hope you enjoyed! :] but if not, I'm sorry that it was kinda crappy.

The Gas Mask Maiden

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