(25) The Truth is I'm Fallin to Pieces

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"Prom, talk to me" Keeley said, but I was laying in my bed, facing away from her. "Talk to me! Please. I want to help you and I don't know how" She said and I turned to face her. My eyes were red from crying, also they were swollen. "Can you make it go away?" I asked and she looked down "Then you can't help me" I said.

"I can help you tell your parents" She said and I looked at her "I have to, don't I?" I asked and she nod. "Okay, let's go" I said and stood up. She took my hand and we went downstairs, where my parents were once again sitting on the couch. "Mom, dad. We need to talk" I said and sat down on the couch table in front of them. Keeley sat down next to me, not letting go of my hand. "If this is about Evie and Ronnie, we aren't mad!" Dad said and I looked down "I'm afraid not" I said, before looking up.

"Guess mom and I are more alike than we always thought" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks. "What are you talking about?" Mom asked a little scared. She didn't know what was going to happen next. I didn't know what I was going to say next, until I said irt "I'm pregnant" I said and they looked at me shocked, then at each other.

I was expecting every single reaction, except the one that happened.

My mom got up and hugged me "We'll get through this!" She said and tighten her hug. "Thanks mom" I said, let go of Keeley's hand and hugged her back, crying. I think she was crying as well. "We'll support you with the baby" Mom said and we broke our hug. "I'm not gonna keep it after birth! I'm giving it up for adoption" I told her and she looked at me. "Are you sure about this?" She asked and I nod. "I'm not ready for having a kid. I'm even younger than you were when you had me!" I told her.

"It's okay Prom" She said and took my hand. "I'm here for you as well Princess" Dad said and hugged me as well. I wasn't sure at first if my parents were going to be supportive. I mean, the last thing you want for your kid is to follow in your footsteps, when it's about things like this one. "How far are you?" Mom asked. "About three months, well almost" I said.

"Okay..." Mom said and looked away for a second "Is Jake the father?" She asked and I nod "He's the only guy I have ever been with" I told them, which was kind of uncomfortable. "We need to talk to him and his parents" Dad said. "No! He can't find out! He would never let me put it up for adoption and his father. They already don't get along and this would make it even worse!" I told them and after a long conversation, they let go of it.

By now I was back in my room with Keeley, just sitting there. Not talking. I didn't know what to talk about. I laid down and my shirt revealed my stomach. I realized it pretty fast and looked at it. "I think I'm showing a little" I said, got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I pulled my shirt up and looked into the mirror. "Look at this!" I said and lead my hand over my belly. "It's cute" Keeley said.

"It's not cute Keeley! This everything but cute!" I told her, but she still thought it was cute. "It feels so wrong" I said and pulled my shirt down and sat down on my bed. "Luckily I can still hide it and in a few months is summer break and I can stay inside and keep this pregnancy a secret. I can't have everyone knowing about this!" I told her.

"I'll take this one to the grave" She said and I hugged her "Thanks K" I said and sat down beside her. "What do you wanna do?" I asked her. "What about the gym?" She asked. "Why the gym?" I asked her confused. "I'm doing gymnastics" She said and I looked at her "You are? Why did you never tell me?" I asked her confused. "Because we were never so close" She said and I nod agreeing "Okay, show me the gym" I said and she smiled.

Just a short time later we were entering the gym of Morrison Creek. "How come I have never been here before?" I asked Keeley. "I don't know" She answered and walked over to some bars. "Sit and watch" She said and got into position. I listened and sat down on the bench and started watching her. She was good. I mean, I couldn't really tell what was good and what wasn't, but I could tell that Keeley was good. She was literally flying through the air.

Suddenly I noticed a woman walking over to her. I got up immediately and walked over there as well. Keeley made her last turn and jumped down and had a perfect landing. "I knew I would find you here" The woman said. I handed Keeley a bottle of water and she drank a bit, before answering "What do you want? Lie me? Haven't you done enough of that? Your entire life is a lie!" She yelled at her.

Now I recognized the woman. It was Tiffany Ridgewood, or now Fitzgerald. Keeley's mom and my familiy's worst nightmare.

"I'm so sorry Pumpkin. I just wanted to start over and forget about my past" She apologized, but I didn't buy it. I think neither did Keeley. "You made your sister's life a living hell and then you have nothing better to do than to marry her ex-boyfriend? What kind of a sick person does that?!" She asked and walked over to me. I handed her a towel and she whipped the sweat of her forehead.

"I'm sorry, but please come home! We'll talk about it!" Tiffany said, but Keeley didn't want to. "I feel good at the Harding's place and I'm not leaving it yet!" She said and walked off. "Can you please help me with Keeley? I don't know how to get close to her" Tiffany asked me. Apparently she had no idea who I was.

"And why would I help you?! After what you have done to my family, never!" I said and walked away, but turned around after a few steps "By the way, I'm Promise in case you didn't figure that out already!" I said and followed Keeley.

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