(34) Turn That Pain Into Power

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"Keel, I think we should tell my parents about your's" I said to the ginger girl sitting on the guest bed. "What if they kick me out?" She asked. "They won't do that! They already love you like a daughter" I said and she sighed "Okay then, let's go" She said and got up. I got up as well and we went downstairs, where my mom was doing the dishes and dad was playing with the puppies we had gotten right after my birthday.

As we entered, Lindy, the German Sheppard, ran towards us. I quickly petted her, before walking further in, my arm hooked with Keeley. "Mom, dad, we need to talk to you. It's important" I said. My mom dried her hands and walked over to us and dad sat down on the couch. Mom sat down beside him. "You're not pregnant, are you?" Mom asked and I shook my head no. "You?" Mom asked reffering to Keeley, who shook her head no as well.

"Fabian is back" I said and my mom's eye lighten up. "What? How do you know that?" Mom asked. "Because I met his kid" I said. "He has a kid?" Mom asked confused and I could feel how Keeley became more nervous by the second. "A daughter" I continued, then looked over to Keeley. My parents were still confused, but I think my mom had got it. "I'm his daughter. My name is Keeley Elizabeth Fitzgerald" She said and my parents looked at her.

"Who did he marry?" Mom asked, not taking her eyes of me. "Look at Keeley, who does she look like?" I asked and she took a closer look at her. Keeley couldn't take it any longer "Aunt Olivia" She said really fast. My mom looked shocked. "Tiffany..." Mom said shocked. "I can totally understand when you want to throw me out!" Keeley went on. "Throw you out?! Never! You are not your mother!" She said and went to hug her. "Are you okay, when I leave you to talk? I'm meeting up with Lars" I said and mom nod. "Keel?" I asked and she nod as well.

"So, how did it go?" Lars asked as we walked through the park. "Good actually. My mom was really accepting and so was my dad" I said, looking down at Puck, the Australian Sheppard puppy we had gotten. I had him on the leash, while Lars had Lindy. "The dog park?" I asked and he nod.

Just ten minutes later we entered the dog park, making sure the gate was closed before removing the leash. Puck and Lindy ran off immediately. Lars and I sat down on a bench nearby. "So, Keeley drama is clear. What about your boy drama?" He asked and I groaned "I don't know" I said and burried my face in my hands. They are all special in their own ways" I said.

"Sounds like on of the good old pro and contra lists" Lars said and I sighed "I swore to myself to never make one of those" I said. "I think you do now!" He said and I knew he was right. How else was I supposed to figure out who the right guy for me was.

"Okay, let's start" I said and he got out his phone and got ready to type. "Let's start with Jesse" He said. "Okay, Jesse's pro... He definietly loves me, he is always there when I need someone" I said and made a short break "He's a great kisser and I can definietly trust him. We can have fun together, but he's a little to obsessed with me and he did bully me before admitting his feelings. Also he's a bad boy and a troublemaker" I said and looked at Lars. "Is that good or bad?" Lars asked. "I seriously don't know" I told him.

"Okay, Jake" He said. "He loves me and we got history. He was my real first kiss" I said and he wrote it down "Contra?" He asked and I started thinking. "Well, he lives in London and I don't. It would be long distance or he would give up his entire life for me. There is something he isn't allowed to find out and being with him would mean I had to lie even more. I could never be completely honest with him and his parents wouldn't approve of me. They think I'm trouble" I said and looked at him again.

"Alex?" He asked. "He's nice and has been nothing but nice to me, but I barely know him and what I know is that we don't have anything in common besides basketball" I said and looked at my brother again. "So, I'm guessing it's not Alex" He said and I nod slowly. "And I hate to point it out, but Jake has more contra than pros, while you mostly said positive things about Jesse" He said and I sighed "I can't be with him! I just can't!" I said and looked at Lars. I think he could see how desprate I was.

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