(43) I Got This Feeling Inside My Bones

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"So I put my right food into the iron thingy?" I asked and looked at Peyton who was a little annoyed by now, since he has been trying to teach me how to get up onto a horse since 15 minutes. "For the fiftieth time, left! You're on her left side, so you put your left food into the iron thingy!" He said and I felt a little bad. "Prom, just get up on the horse" He said a little desperate.

"Left food into the stirrup!" He said when I was about to put my right food into it. "The what?" I asked confused. "The iron thingy" He said annoyed. "God Damn it! Let me show you!" He said and walked over. He was on the horse with in seconds, while I haven't made it in twenty minutes. He got off again and looked at me "Got it now?" He asked and I nod, fixing the helmet ob my head. I walked back over to Daisy and this time put the right food into the stirrup, which seems to be the iron thingy.

I put my hands onto the saddle and pulled myself up. I might be in gymnastics, but it was still pretty hard. Peyton ended up pulling my right leg over the horse, so I was finally sitting the saddle safe and sound. "Am I a cowgirl now?" I asked. "Cowgirls wear hats, you aren't ready for that yet" "Why not?" I asked. "Because you took 20 minutes to get on Daisy" He said and I groaned.

Peyton went on to explain everything to me, about five times until I got it right. About an hour later I was so tired and my entire body hurt. "Can I please get off? My butt hurts" I complained and he stopped Daisy. I swung my leg over her a little too fast, so I fell off the horse. Luckily Peyton caught me just in time. So now I was standing there, his hands on my hips and my hands on his shoulder. "Thanks" I said a little overwhelemed by what had just happened, but I didn't take my eyes of Peyton's.

"You have pretty eyes" He suddenly said. "Thanks" Was all I got out. He looked into them for a little while longer, before he started leaning in. It took me by surprise, but I found myself slowly leaning in as well. It didn't take long until our lips collided. I'm not gonna lie, I do have butterflies in my stomach, but not as much as I hoped. I wished it were more, because that would have meant I didn't have feeling for a certain someone.

Oh my god, I'm such a terrible person! I'm kissing Peyton and I'm thinking about another guy. I can't believe it!!! Get out of my head!!!

We pulled away and he smiled at me. I tried to smile as well. Don't get me wrong, I had to smile, just not as bright as I hoped I would. "Let's get her back into her stall" Peyton said and I nod. I grabbed the leading rope and connected it with the bridle and wanted to hand the leading rope to Peyton, but he didn't take it. He smiled "You take her" "She's your horse!" I said, but he laughed and walked ahead.

I looked at Daisy, before taking in a deep breath and followed Peyton. Back in the stall he took of the saddle, while I was still standing there, holding the horse. "Peyton!" I yelled. He came back and took the horse from me and tied the leading rope around a pole.

He showed me how to finish up a horse after riding, before we left her stall again. "So, when will you join me again?" He asked and I laughed "Maybe once I can walk without pain. And that's just a maybe in case you didn't notice" I said giggling. Peyton put his arm around me and we walked around for a bit. "I need to sit down, or lay down. I think laying down sounds pretty good right now" I said and he lead me to the barn and made me climb up a latter. Everywhere was hay.

"My hideout space, whenever I want to be alone, I come here. Sometimes I'm napping here as well" He said and let himself fall into it. I hesitated for a moment, but then laid down down next to him. He put his arm around me and smiled down at me. I did smile, but it didn't feel right. Peyton wasn't Jesse, but Jesse was way too busy sucking my half-sister's face. Just the thought of that made me want to throw up.

I then looked up to see Peyton and without thinking I slammed my lips onto his. He was surprised, but went with it. I kissed him aggressively. "Prom" He said in between kisses, trying to catch his breath. "Sorry" I said and backed up. I did feel a little embarressed, but Jesse is able to push my buttons without even being here. He is everywhere!!

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nod "I'm fine" I said and laid down next to him again. "You sure?" He asked and I groaned "Yes Peyton, I'm sure!" I almost snapped at him. "Okay then" He said, noticing that something was up, but he refused to ask closer. He wanted to avoid us fighting.

Around the afternoon he drove me home, but I didn't enter the house once he had left. I hid my bag in the bushes and started walking. Like on autopilot I ended up in front of Jesse's house. Not knowing what I was doing and why, I rang and just a short moment later Jesse opened the door "Promise? I thought you were sick?" He asked and I shook my head no. Suddenly I heard someone giggle in the house and I knew the voice belonged to Lennon. "I just can't believe you would go for someone like Lennon!! Especially now!!" I almost yelled.

"What changed?" He asked confused and before I knew it, I was kissing him, deeply. I allow his tongue into my mouth and we continued kissing like that for what felt like hours. "Jesse, where are you?!" Lennon yelled from the living room and I pulled away, noticing that he wasn't mine. I backed up and ran off. "PROMISE!" He yelled after me, but I kept running.

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