(6) Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart

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Christmas... Always a huge deal in my family. Before I was born it was a normal holiday. After I was older, it changed completely. Huge party. Inviting friends and their families, but by now it turned into a tradition my town, which isn't organized by just my family anymore. The entire town is helping and the entire town is coming, meaning I'll be there. My brother will be there, my entire huge family was there.

Also I'm glad to be there with my boyfriend this year. Last Christmas I met a guy there, that was totally cute and nice and sweet. I fell in love on the first sight. We danced all night, when I tried to call him the following day, his phone was disconnected and I haven't seen him again. Not in school and not in town. It's like he didn't exists. Took me two months to forget about him.

Anyways, share your Christmas stories down below if you want to and have happy and merry holidays, I know I will. See you next year


"Prom!" My mother yelled short time after I had finished writing my blog. "Coming" I yelled, closed my laptop and ran downstairs to find my parents being already fully dressed, just like my brother. "Finally" He whined. "Shut up, Caleb!" I told him and got into my boots and got into my jacket and put a scarf around my neck "All done" I said and we walked to the car.

Not 20 minutes later we were walking into the gym of Jefferson High School. "Wow... They have already made such progress" I said, looking around. Every where was red, white, silver and green decoration and a Christmas tree in the middle of it. "Imma go and help Evie and Ronnie with the tree" I said and wanted to rush off, but then my mother yelled "Take Caleb with you!"

I groaned and waited till he had reached me, then walked with him over to my best friends "Hey girls" I said they smiled at me. Evie had Christmas lights hung around her body, trying to get the knots out, while Ronnie was hanging tree ornaments onto it. "Hey" I heard Miriam say. Short time later she appeared, tinsels hanging from her everywhere. "One question" I said and made a short break "Are Evie and Miri the Christmas trees?" I asked them and both girls looked at me, like they wanted to kill me.

"Hey, do you need help?" Keeley asked after she joined us. I wasn't sure about it, but since it's the season of love I told her yes. She smiled and helped Evie to get out of the lights, while I freed Miriam from the tinsel. Caleb was helping Ronnie with the ornaments. "This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special" Lars said and I turned around and smiled "Hey" I said sweet and hugged him. He kissed my cheek, before letting go off me again.


"Ryder!" I said, but he didn't seem to have heard me. "Ryder!" I said louder this time and he turned around, seeing what I'm seeing. "We need to tell her! It's getting out of control!" I told him and he seemed to realized that now too. "It's Christmas" Ryder said to have an excuse. "So? Want your kids kissing underneath the Mistletoe!?" I asked him and now he seemed to finally see it. "I'm getting her and you will tell her! I'm done watching this!" I said and walked off to get Promise. At first she didn't wanna come, but then she came after all. Pretty annoyed.

"What is it?!" She asked annoyed, sitting down on a student table in one of the class rooms. "Your father has to tell you something. It can't wait anymore!" I said and looked at my husband, who had a hard time finding the words.


"What?!" I asked annoyed, wanting to get back to the others. "When I was your age, I did many mistakes with many girls, like Monica or Katherine Harper" He said and I was kind of confused. Didn't Lars mention that his mother's name is Katherine and she is about my parents age. "What are you trying to tell me!?" I asked. "I was out of control. I'm sorry, but before I was with your mom, I kinda did the kiss and run. I'm Lars' father, as well as Evie and Ronnie's" He said and my heart stopped for a second.

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