(37) I Can't Remember What I Did Tonight Or Even Yesterday

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The  next morning I woke up through a baby crying. I sat up and looked to my side to see David laying next to me. I quickly got up and noticed that my head was killing me. I quickly put on my jeans and one of his shirts from the closet, then went to look for the crying baby, since no one else seemed to. Just a short time later I had found the room and one name was written on it.


When I read this name, it felt like my heart stopped for a second. I had a memory from yesterday, the only thing I could remember from what happened was that he told me she was adopted. I entered the room and walked to the crib, looking at the crying baby girl. I immediately recognized her. It wasn't just any Danielle. It was my Danielle.

A few tears came into my eyes and I decided to pick her up and sat down in the armchair in her room, holding her. Just looking at her. I was able to see part of Jake in her. She had the same shape of brown hair as he did, but she had my eyes. It was crazy to see her like this. I thought I would never see her again. "Mh, what do you need little girl?" I asked, feeling how my mother feelings slowly showed up, with a small regret that I gave her up in the first place.

"I bet she's hungry" David said, leaning in the door frame. "I'm so sorry" I said, getting up "She was crying and wouldn't stop" I apologized. "It's okay Mia. You're good with kids" He said, while taking Danielle from me. "Let's just say I have a lot of younger cousins" I said, following him to the kitchen. "Then you have practice with kids" He said and I nod. He made a bottle of milk, then tested it before giving it to me "You mind feeding her? I really need to use the bathroom" He said and I took the bottle with a little hesitation "Sure"


I woke up and immediately remembered what has happened to me. I looked around, noticing I had never seen this room before in my life. I sat up and realized that I was still fully dressed. I wanted to get out of the bed, when I almost stepped onto somebody. I looked down to see a boy my age laying on the ground. I was a bit confused, but climbed over him out of the bed.

"You okay?" He asked, sitting up. "I think so" I said confused. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you" He said and got up "Do you remember yesterday?" He asked and I nod, tears forming in my eyes "This guy, I met him in a club. He got me drunk and-" Then my voice failed me. "He didn't. He didn't hurt you! I heard you just in time. I pulled him off you and carried you here and laid you down in my bed, then locked the room so he couldn't enter" He explained. "He didn't?" I asked and he nod yes. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him, crying in relief.

"It's okay" He told me and after a few minutes we let go of each other. "I'm Devon by the way" He introduced himself. "Evie" I said, telling him my real name "How do you know Mick?" I asked him, sitting down on the bed. He sighed before he answered "He's my father... Can't wait to turn 18 and get out of this hell!" He said. "How long till you are 18?" I asked him. "About a year. Sadly Senior year had just began" He said and sat down next to me. "I'm a senior too" I said without thinking.

"In college?" He asked. "No, High School. I'm 18, not 22" I told him. "So, how did you get into the club?" He asked. "I have a fake ID, that I'm going to destroy now. I can't let anything like that happen again and I have to make sure my sister does the same" I told him, remembering that I had come with Promise. "I need to call her, like now!" I said and grabbed my phone and dialed her number.


I was still holding Danielle, when my phone rang. I got up, made sure I was savely holding her and went to get my phone and answered "Evie thank god" I said. "Prom, I was so worried about you. Where are you?" She asked. "David's. The guy I was with yesterday" I told her "Where are you?" I asked her. "Mick's. Guy I met yesterday or better I'm now with his son, who is a lot nicer" She said. "Funny, I'm holding his daughter" I said giggling and then turned around to make sure no one was nearby "Or should I say mine"

"Wait what?!" She asked shocked. "Danielle is David's adoptive daugther" I told her, still making sure no one was nearby. "No way!" Evie said. "I know right. I kinda regret everything now" I said and sat down on the bed, laying Danielle down beside me, not taking her eyes of her. "Wait, I'll send you a picture" I said and quickly took one and sent it to Evie. "She's so cute" She said. "So how is Mick's son?" I asked her, tickling Danielle. "Nice and actually my age"

"Wait what?! Mick has a kid your age?! And you wanted to hook up with him?!" I asked her shocked. "Coud we please not talk about it" She said uncomfortable and I respected her wish "So I'm gonna let you get back to your hot boy and I'm gonna get back to the baby girl next to me" I said and she agreed. We then hung up and I laid down next to Danielle.

"You're so lucky you are just a baby. Life isn't that great when you grow older, it just gets complicated" I said and sat back up, letting her play with my long hair. "Hey, there you guys are" David said and sat down next to us. "I'm guessing she really likes you" He said, giving the baby girl a kiss on the forehead, before looking at me "I don't know how you feel, but I would like to see you again" He said and I smiled "I feel the same way"

I wasn't sure if I said that because of David or Danielle, but I guess when I keep seeing David, I will keep seeing Danielle. "You know, most girls freak out when they find out that I have a kid and a dead wife" He told me.  "Those people just don't know complicated. The bigger question is if you want to be with me, if you knew more about me" I said. "How do you mean that?" He asked. "Oh, you really wanna know?" I asked and he nod. "Just remember that once you know, you can't unknow!" I said and he still wanted to know.

So I told him about my parents being step-siblings and me and my half-brother's dating history. He listened closely, but when I finished my story, he did something I didn't expect. He kissed me "I don't care about that Mia" He said "You accept me for me and I accept you for you" He said and I couldn't be happier, again I wasn't sure if it was because of Danielle or David.


Devon had leant me some clothes of his and a pair of jeans his sister had left when she escaped this place and took me out for breakfast to his favorite place. It was called Marina's and was all about breakfast. We took a booth at the window and both of us ordered some pancakes. Guess we had the same taste. "So, where you do wanna go once you are graduated?" I asked him. "I applied to NYU, I hope that's far enough" He said, taking a bite from his pancakes, which he was eating with his hands "What are your plans?" He asked. "I actually applied to NYU, together with my twin sister. Not the one I called earlier" I said.

"How many sisters do you have?" He asked. "Well, my twin sister, my maternal half-sister, three paternal half-sisters and three paternal half-brothers" I told him "My parents are teen parents and my dad was kind of a player" I explained. "Those are siblings. I mean I just have one sister that I haven't talked to since she left" He said a little sad. "Well, three of my half-siblings don't even know that they related to me" I said "And two are the schools mean girls, kinda took the place of their... step-aunt I think" I told him.

"Small place you come from" He said. "Yeah, it's pretty small actually and my entire family never left the town, so they are everywhere and since my dad has three brothers and my step-dad has four plus a sister and sister he doesn't talk to, we have a pretty big family" I told him. "I would have loved that" He said and I smiled "You definitely have to meet them!" I told him and he smiled again "Does that mean, you wanna stay in touch?" He asked and I think I blushed a little "Definitely" I said and giggled, causing him to laugh as well.

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