Rachel's POV:
"Hurry up Ray, we going to be late!" Jackie complained as she dragged me down the hall.I followed behind and ran with her to first period. She took me to AP Chemistry and simply waved goodbye as she ran down the hallway to her first period.
I walked inside and went immediately to my seat. I barely slept the night before. I had stayed up all night to catch up on all my late homework.
As I took my seat, I dropped my backpack to the floor and rested my head on my arms. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep when a thud came from beside me.
Startled, I jumped up. I turned to realize it was only Kaiden setting his bookbag down. I disregard what he's doing and go back to what I was previously doing and drifted off to sleep.
After about ten minutes, a hand began to shake me. I lifted my head up in annoyance, not realizing my surroundings.
"Have a good nap Ms. James?" Mrs. Zetterstrum smiled sarcastically at me.
I stared at her, not knowing what to say next.
"I'll be seeing you in detention after school," she turned around and began to write on the board.
As soon as she turned around I repeated my previous actions. I rested my head on my crossed arms that were on the table.
"You just got detention and you're going to go back to sleep?" Kaiden asked me in a whisper.
"If I already have detention, what do I have to lose?" I replied, not lifting my head.
I began to drift off to sleep again when a slam made me jump. A book had been slammed down onto the lab table.
"Ms. James, that's another day of detention for you," Mrs. Zetterstrum grabbed the book and closed it, bringing it to her chest. She turned to Kaiden. "Mr. Gray please keep your lab partner awake."
"I tried, she's not a morning person it appears," Kaiden shrugged his shoulders and looked down at me.
I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "I'm sorry Mrs. Zetterstrum," I emotionlessly stated.
Mrs. Zetterstrum simply nodded her head and walked off back to the board.
"You could have backed me up at least," I grunt through my teeth.
"Yea but I didn't want a detention," Kaiden whispered back before laughing, catching the attention of the people in front of us.
We payed no attention to them. Kaiden and I talked for the rest of the period. We had been talking every now and then over the weekend, mainly about when we were free to work on the project, but that's the most I've ever talked to the Kaiden Gray.
The day went by surprising fast considering it was Monday. At the end of my tenth period I walked myself to detention.
I entered the classroom that detention was held in. There was no one else besides Stephanie. Her eyes stayed on me the whole time as I walked to a seat near the window.
I laid my head down and could feel myself slowly drifting off, until my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out of my pocket and checked the message.
*pick you up after detention.* Kaiden texted.
I replied with an 'okay' before putting my phone back down and laying my head back on my desk. I drifted off to sleep. Before I knew it, detention was over. Mrs. Zetterstrum must've never noticed that I was asleep, or else I would have gotten another detention.
I lifted my head off of my desk and grabbed my backpack. I got out of my seat and walked out of the room. I could hear heels clicking coming from behind me. I payed no attention to the annoying sound and just kept on walking.

The Mafia Boy
Teen FictionRachel James, a 17-year-old junior in high school, and Kaiden Grey, an 18-year-old senior, have never spoken a word to each other. Rachel is your typical shy girl in school with a small social circle. Kaiden is the popular good-looking guy that ever...