Rachel's POV:
I woke up the next morning more tired than usual. I looked over to my left to see Kaiden next to me on the floor. I noticed his arm was out. I followed it, realizing it was around my waist.I slowly and softly moved his arm off of my waist, trying hard not to wake him up. I walked out of the attic and down the stairs. What day is it?
I walked into the guest room and grabbed my phone. It was dead.
"Great" I muttered to myself.
I searched through my bookbag to see if Kaiden was smart enough to pack my charger. I didn't want to have to go back there myself and get it.
Thankfully I found it under my school books. That's when it hit me. School.
I quickly plugged in the charger to an outlet on the wall and plugged it into my phone. I let it charge as I walked over to the cable. I couldn't see it from far because I didn't have my glasses or contacts on. I squinted my eyes, realizing it was almost 9 in the morning.
"Shit, we're late," before I could walk over to my backpack, Kaiden entered my room.
"Thanks for waking me up," Kaiden spoke sarcastically in his very attractive morning voice.
"I'm sorry," I gave him an apologetic look.
"What are you doing?" He asked me as he yawned.
"We're late for school," I rushed out as I looked through the bag for clothes.
I turned to him, "So we need to get going."
I turned back to search through the pile before a hand stopped me. Kaiden turned me around, holding both my wrists.
"We're not going to school today," he spoke in my face, his morning breath hitting my nose.
"Why not?"
"Because I said so."
I rolled my eyes, "that's not a valid excuse."
He smirked at me before pulling me closer. "We're going to hang out instead, school will always be there."
Okay let me think. I could either a) go to school and blow off a day of just spending time with Kaiden, or b) miss out a day of educational learning and HANG OUT WITH KAIDEN GRAY.
I thin my choice is obvious.
"I have to go to school," I spoke trying to free my wrists from Kaiden, which only made his grip tighter.
"Come on Rachel, don't be a drag," Kaiden groaned.
I rolled my eyes, "fine," I mumbled.
Kaiden let go of my wrists and smiled. Good, get dressed and meet me downstairs in ten minutes.
"Fine, but go brush your teeth because your morning breath is awful," I playfully insulted him.
"No it's not it smells great," Kaiden walked over to me and let out a huge breath in my face.
"Ew!" I backed away as he laughed.

The Mafia Boy
Teen FictionRachel James, a 17-year-old junior in high school, and Kaiden Grey, an 18-year-old senior, have never spoken a word to each other. Rachel is your typical shy girl in school with a small social circle. Kaiden is the popular good-looking guy that ever...