25 January 2017

402 25 24

Hey You,

It's me. Your best friend. The one who compliments you a lot. Yeah, that's me. The one who only has a platonic relationship with you but wants something more, anything more. It's me. The one who wrote you a sticky note as a Christmas Present.

You know what I mean? The one that says "You're kind've cool, I guess." The one that's hung up in your locker, displayed to the world? The one with my barely legible handwriting? That's me. I wrote that for you.

It's because I like you. Not your face, although that might be my taste in music, but your personality is simply great and I love every aspect about you. Your brown hair and hazel brown eyes.

My friends that know I like you say we'd be a cute couple. It always puts a smile on my face. Well, not as much as you can by just saying hi. We might be close friends, but it still always makes me happy when we talk.

It's because I'm a child when it comes to these things, I feel giddy and nervous around you like I'm going to mess up and make you realize that I like you. It's kind of obvious, as we've held hands before in a platonic manner.

You compliment me, and I compliment you, and it's an endless cycle of flirting. It needs to stop, and you need to confess because we all know I'm not going to be the one to admit my infatuation towards you.

Also, I'm mildly in love with you. It's TOTALLY platonic. Not.

Sincerely, Me.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now