19 February 2017

42 10 0

Hey You,

I want to text you, to ask how your competition went, but I'm afraid. I'm too scared that you'll push me away and I'll be forgotten about within a week. That's how expendable I am.

I was told to let it be, and if you liked me too that it'll happen. Except it's not that simple. How am I supposed to let it be if you occupy every waking thought of mine? How am I supposed to let it be if I get anxiety thinking about what could happen if I made a wrong move?

Does that make sense? I feel like it does, but I've been known to be wrong. Maybe it's my thing because everyone is good at something. Am I just good at being wrong? Well, I predicted that you're going to hate me, so I hope that is my thing.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. I kinda miss you but I don't really want to admit it.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now