8 February 2017

46 9 0

Hey You,

I miss you, but platonically. I miss you as a friend, even though I like you a lot. It might sound dumb, but you are actually a good friend. I still miss the times we'd spend in history, goofing off instead of working, which is rare since you're you.

I was sitting with a bunch of younger kids a while ago, talking to them. They were pestering me with "Who do you like?!?" "Nobody," I'd reply, shrugging. They didn't need to know. "You know what? I ship you with.." They began listing names, then this girl said your name. They all agreed. One said we were their OTP.

I didn't want to smile but I did. The funny thing is, you know the girl. She's one of my little friends, and I didn't  want to tell her I liked you... but I did. She squealed and began fangirling, and in all honesty, I wanted to fangirl with her, but I couldn't.

I didn't tell her how you "noticed" me today. You screamed in my ear. My ear is still ringing from it's been around 4 hours. You had a high pitched voice while you screamed and it really startled me.

I was walking to athletics from the locker room when you walked out of the gym. I had to walk around some corners, and you had to go the same way. You kept your distance, which was good, but you always stayed behind me and you were alone. I had to turn around because my friend fell and I had to help them up, and you saw me picking them up and smiled a bit before averting your gaze and frowning.

I will never forget it. You tend to not realize you stare, and I tend to realize I do. Do I do anything about staring? Nope, not a single thing. When will this constant cycle of flirting end? It's not that I don't like it, it just get's frustrating to get mixed feelings sent my direction. 

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. You better make the first move since I won't.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now