10 February 2017

45 9 2

Hey You,

Just so you know, today is a testament to how much I actually like you. All day was about you, you, you. You know? Apparently not, because you were avoiding me all day. That ticked me off so bad, and I looked cute today.

We had a pep assembly, and you had to participate. The objective was to start at the baseline of the basketball court and get an orange to the volleyball line using your knees. You were the best at this, and I have no clue how.

Let's skip to later on, about an hour before the game. I had a panic/anxiety/something attack, I'm not sure which it was but it was bad, right before your basketball game. It felt like the world was caving in on me, and it was all because of you.

I found out today that you've been talking to another girl... or two. They're both my friends, which hurt me more because according to this person, it's blatantly obvious I like you because apparently, I'm always flirting with you. They knew I liked you before I even knew I liked you, and they had assumed that everyone knew.

After your basketball game and during the Varsity guy's game, you went to the bleachers, and on your way, you just had to reach out and boop my nose. You did it on three different occasions, and I felt like screaming and throwing a hissy fit because it's not fair.

It's not fair how you get away with doing all this, it's not fair that you can flirt with whoever and get no consequences, it's not fair you let those girls flirt with you right in front of me, it's not fair you won't make a move, none of what you're doing to me is "fair."

Tonight was homecoming, so I waited with my friend and we sat at the top of the bleachers. You came up and asked for my--our--help. You wanted to get the balloons down so you could have the helium inside. You needed a knife or something sharp to cut them down with, and I reached into my pocket to grab my keys.

My friend got her keys out faster, and you hesitated who's keys you wanted to take, and obviously you didn't pick mine. In a flash, there was a mob around all of us and again you needed help grabbing the balloons. I was going to help but somebody else just HAD to ruin my day worse and grab them for you.

I felt like crying. My day was soiled, and it was absolutely because of you. It wasn't your fault but it really was. I wanted you to talk to me, to ask me to homecoming with you. You didn't. You ignored all three of us today. 

During the homecoming dance, I devised a plan along with the help of one of my lovely friends, and we decided a revenge/get your butt moving along scheme. I was going to slow dance with a guy--any random guy--and we were going to get pictures.

After that, I'm going to "accidentally" send the pictures to you, trying to get you jealous. You always, ALWAYS, text me back, so this absolutely had to work. So I slow danced with one of the school's f-boys and went on my merry way.

I can't wait for tomorrow now. You're going to ignore my texts or gonna make a move or do something. I hope it's going to be great.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. I hated him, he smelt disgusting and nothing like you.

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