23 February 2017

41 8 0

Hey You,

So today was eventful. Or at least, last hour was. We both have athletics last hour because we play sports (obviously) and we have to stay in shape. I run track, as you know, and we were doing 300-meter shuttle runs. Then it was a brilliant idea of someone's to play link tag.

Do you know what link tag is? It's where you link arms with one person and there is someone who's running and someone who's it. The person who's running is linking arms with someone who is not directly next to them, and the opposite person has to run next. When the person running gets tagged, they become the tagger and it keeps going on.

So we were playing, and I began to see spots. The outside of my vision went black and I began to lose my breath. I was shaking like crazy, according to the coach, and I had to go to see the sports specialist immediately. Except, the sports specialist had to go to another school, so I had to go get changed and sit in the nurse's office.

I had almost passed out, and guess who saw me stumbling down the hallway and didn't offer to help? You guessed it! It was you. We--we being my mother and I--discovered the root of my problem. I burned more calories than I ate today. You don't care, though, and you never will.

Sincerely, Me.

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