3 March, 2017 (Another IRL Letter To Him)

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Hey You,

I don't think you ever figured out who this was. I thought it was quite obvious, but apparently you don't know me--or my handwriting--as well as I thought you did.

I could be all nostalgic and ponder on some memories you may or may not remember, but I'll spare you the time. By now, you should've picked up on the little clues I've left...

Or not. It's your choice in how hard you want to analyze. Maybe you don't care at all who wrote this. Maybe you do, I'm not you.

As you can tell, it's not the same handwriting, and it might never be again, but I know you're hearing this in my voice.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. Do you like Legos? You do? Well, if you like Legos, and I like Legos, why don't we build a relationship?

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now