5 February 2017

56 13 3

Hey You,

I thought back to a time when we were closer when we shared classes. That seemed so long ago when it was literally weeks. We discussed so many things, and we did a lot together, and for once I actually felt somewhat normal.

We discussed what it's like to travel with the other. I know now that you get car sick sometimes, and you told me that you were lucky that I didn't. I don't mean to over-analyse but does that have any significance to it? Do you plan to travel with me in the future? Where to?

We talked about college, and you actually said you'd go halfway across the world to college for ME. I called a bluff, but you promised it wasn't a lie, and that one friend of ours said it wasn't a lie either. I actually believe you still, because you are a weird person. You want to be a plant scientist, I remember you saying that as well.

We talked about the future of our history class; what projects we planned on doing together and what they were going to be. When you figured out I was changing classes, I swear the light left your eyes. No more French Revolutionised Sour Patch Kids guillotine and no more Black Death looking people. No more building lego shacks together and calling it something it isn't... Like the Great Wall of China.

We talked about the future in general. Life beyond the prison of high school, family and career lives. That's when I figured out all the pieces and figured out that this might not be as one-sided as it seemed. No, it wasn't only me, and it took me so long to figure it out. But nonetheless I did, and I'm happy to say that I'm finally content.

I figure I should elaborate on our family lives we discussed, just in case you don't remember. I want to be married and have three kids, with a nice little shop in central London. You don't want to get married or have kids and be a plant scientist, also in central London. Only because that's where I'm going, at least is what I'm guessing because really neither one of us have a reason for being there.

Sincerely, Me.

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