5 March 2017

35 8 0

Hey You,

The main thing keeping me going for the few days I have left until my life changes is the fact my life is changing. It's not really up to me anymore, I have to let the two girls change my life. I guess that it won't necessarily affect me when I live in London.

I want to be able to do it on my own, but I can't. I'm not confident enough, but that doesn't really matter anymore does it? I mean, comparing myself to the two other girls in your life (not the ones who are changing my life) I'm the last place. 

I have this little person sitting on my shoulder who feeds my anxiety. They tell me things and little theories I don't want to believe, theories that can really mess me up, theories that can mess a lot of friendships up, theories that can ruin lives.

I don't talk about them to hardly anyone. I don't trust a lot of people with my little person. Only one person knows my theories, and she's pretty great. She makes me laugh a lot, and I'm glad she's in my life while my other best friend can't be. She and I have little excursions, and we talk a lot. We have inside jokes, and when I go to college I'm going to miss her a lot.

I wish I could explain a lot of things, like why my little person is there and why it had to be YOU of all people that caught my eye, but a lot of things can't be explained. I don't want to mess our friendship up, but I guess that's a risk I'm willing to take.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. 6 days.

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