20 February 2017

40 11 0

Hey You,

I wrote you a poem. I feel like I should explain, this all. I thought I liked another guy first, but it turns out I didn't and he's a butt. Don't worry. Here's my poem to you.

The girl hates the boy, 

Who held her mind captive at first,

She traded for a new poison,

Someone who spares her a look,

Someone who spares a few words,

And a glance or two if she is lucky,

Someone who is kind,

And who seems prettier than the first boy.

In reality, he wasn't the first boy,

This other boy held her mind captive at first,

But she disregarded it,

She wishes she had never done that,

Her mind wishes she had loved him first,

But she hadn't loved the first boy, to begin with,

She was naive and mistook infatuation for love,

She was like a common person,

And she wishes she hadn't done that.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. Wednesday can't come sooner.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now