9 February 2017

45 9 0

Hey You,

You know that chance you had to ask me to Homecoming? The very last chance? You blew it. Tonight, the night that we actually hung out, you didn't ask me to HoCo. It's fine, I understand that you don't like dances and all that jazz, but why flirt with me constantly, right before a dance, if you didn't want to go with me.

I mean, you be you or whatever, but it still really annoys me. Can you at least wait until afterward? Nope? You wanna lead me on anyway? Okay, I can't stop you, except by jealousy (which works.)

I made you jealous again today. I got my friend to write a pickup line on my hand, and you saw it and read it. She has guy-like handwriting so it looked like a guy wrote a pickup line on my hand. It said "I'm really attracted to you. According to Newton's Law of Gravitation, you're attracted to me too."

You read that and pretty much ran away. Whatever happened to the subtlety? Did it all leave when you (most likely) figured out that I liked you? Is this your way of trying to make me realize you like me back?

You hung out while I worked the concession stand. You said it was mainly for your friend, but when you were constantly flirting with me, I can't help but be skeptical. I was relaxing and trying not to cry because that's what I do constantly when you decide to pick a fight with your friend.

Me being nice and all, I helped your friend in which caused you to throw a temper tantrum like a five-year-old because I didn't help you. I pouted, because it got pretty annoying fast, and you chuckled at the sight of me. I sent death glares your way which made you smile.

You remember that pickup line I mentioned earlier? You overheard me talking to this girl saying look at what my FRIEND wrote on my hand. You pointed at it and winked. I sent more death glares at you and you just smiled bigger. It was actually really cute, and all this time YOUR friend was extremely oblivious to the flirting.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. I'm kind've pissed at you for blowing your last chance.

P.P.S. I guess you still have tomorrow.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now