3 February 2017

62 12 0

Hey You,

I've decided it's best to try to keep my distance for a while. You don't seem very happy, so I told our friend to keep a close eye on you. I was wrong. You're perfectly fine because this morning at 6:50 a.m. you texted me, and we held a mini conversation. It was nice, after all the past two or so weeks you have been ignoring me.

I got to school, and it seemed like how it was the past week or two, and I'm used to it. It's nothing to me anymore, a routine that I can't control. It's okay, I'm used to mindless routines for other reasons, and one is called school.

So, after lunch I was walking my friend to their locker, which is part of one of my routines, then I was walking them to biology and studying my lines because I had a drama project to do and needed to memorize part of it, a song in particular, and you hit me in the shoulder. You pulled your arm back like you were gonna slug me, but you lightly tapped my shoulder.

You had the biggest, dorkiest smile, and it was adorable, I'm not going to lie. I decided not to hit you back, and we went our separate ways. As we rounded the corner my friend turned to me and said: "I'm not going to lie, I'm screaming internally for you." 

I almost cried and I probably skipped back to class, which is when the drama assignment was due. Let's say, I persuaded the teacher to not fail me but not make me do it. Yet, I won't have it memorized by the time Monday comes around because I'm part of the procrastination nation, but you know that already since you always try to motivate me.

I was confused to why you hit me, so I texted you. This time, I'm NOT expecting a reply tonight, but a reply by noon tomorrow would be nice because I want to make sure you're okay because I maybe sort of care about you slightly. It's only a maybe, though.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. You should reply tonight to throw me off.

P.P.S. You can reply tomorrow, I'm not in that big of a rush, a reply would be nice, though.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now