17 February 2017

45 9 1

Hey You,
You irritated me today. By today I mean after 8 tonight. It was the only time I saw you.

You poked my back, which made me acknowledge your existence. You had been on my mind all day so it wasn't very hard to do.

I told many stories including you today. My favorite was the time last semester when I was just laying on the ground of history and I had my green tea in my right hand. I was talking about the meaning of life itself. Someone--you--were laying beside me discussing the same thing that plagues me daily.

I don't know, it may seem sort of cliché, that being my favorite memory, but it's worth it. I feel like it's a great memory that describes our friendship...well flirtationship.

I don't have much to say to you, I'm irritated with you right now.

Sincerely, Me.
P.S. I feel salty because like four guys have asked me out today and none of them are you.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now