14 March 2017

42 8 0

Hey You,

Today was nothing special, but it felt extraordinary. Ever since you found out that I like you, you've been ignoring me, and I've felt terrible. I've cried too many tears for an entire lifetime.

But today was better. You smiled, and you grabbed my shoulder once or twice, and I felt better. I felt like you didn't actually hate me. I felt like I was on Cloud Nine.

Today I bruised my hip and wrist. I was side checked by one of the football players, and guess who caught most of the weight? This girl! It sucked so much because he tried to blame it on me.

Then guess who got sassy? Also this girl! 

Guess who hates the football player? This girl!

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. Have you heard how much play practice sucks?

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now