24 February 2017

36 8 2

Hey You,

It was.. uneventful-ish. You stopped ignoring me, for about five hours. Then you saw me laughing so hard I was crying (you didn't know it was from laughing) and I had a limp (from an ankle that still needs to be popped) and you freaked out.

I didn't see you for the rest of the day. I saw a whole lot of the vice-principal... aka your dad. He was in my first, second, and eighth for the entire hour. He actually raced the science teacher during the first hour. It was a dead tie, and it was hilarious to watch because there is an age difference between your dad and the teacher. 

I debated texting you tonight, but I've decided to ignore you until you text me first. Knowing me, I'm going to heck up and text you at like 2 am when I'm having an existential crisis or a friend-existential crisis. I find I lie on my floor crying because I'm eventually going to have to leave all my friends behind. I also find myself wondering if they even like me.

Oh well, if I ponder too much about my crisis I'm going to trigger one.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. What's up with you ignoring me all the time?

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now