29 January 2017

138 18 14

Hey You,

Today will be a great day. I won't have you on my mind constantly, and it'll be a relaxed day with video games and celebrations. It's the one year anniversary of becoming best friends with the coolest person I know. You are almost as cool but you won't reach their level anytime soon.

I feel like I should confess something; I've liked you for two years. Since the one time in math when you sassed the teacher because she was chewing me out (she sat me next to one of my good friends) for talking too much. You stood up for me. Someone you didn't know. I can't thank you enough.

If I'm being completely honest, I doubt you remember that. Obviously, I do, since it was mentioned, but at that moment I felt like I owed you something. So I made it one of my obligations to befriend you, which wasn't hard to do honestly because you're an extremely friendly person. Like how is it possible to be that friendly?

You never understood why I cussed, and I didn't either. I only cussed because everyone said I was too innocent and nieve, so I took up the habit of cussing which I completely regret doing. I don't really cuss as much anymore because it's one if those things that I didn't like about myself and I wasn't proud of.

I hate cussing around you because your face crinkles up in disgust. I hate it when it happens, so I try to spare you the troubles. But then again, why should I when there's a chance other girls will fall for you? You know that friend of mine you hugged? She's had a huge crush on you for a while now.

I've had a terrible day, and I feel like I should text you and ask to vent. I can't do that, though, because you will want details and will probably call, and I'll start crying again because I am an emotional person. I hate it when I cry because it makes me seem so much weaker than I am.

You've seen me cry twice, and one of them was fake crying and then I couldn't stop.  The other was from laughing too hard. You have no clue what it's like to actually be around me when I cry. I hiccup and snort and I'm just not pretty overall.

We've talked about traveling together, and how carsick we get. You started the conversation. I only added that time. Are you trying to hint something?

Sincerely, Me.
P.S. I hope you know how much you mean to me.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now