14 February 2017

57 10 8

Hey You,
My day started off crappy. I thought you hated me, and all day I was in a panic. What had I done to make you upset? I don't know.

I feel like the world is crashing down when your "mad" at me. A piece of me that has gone and left me heartbroken. Now I may be sounding over dramatic but I'm not.

That letter I stuck in your locker; it was obviously from me right? Wrong, you had no clue who I was and you still don't. I don't have enough self-confidence to tell you the truth.

It was me who wrote it. I didn't stick it in your locker, my friend did because I was trying to back out of giving it to you. The sad thing is I didn't give you the gift I made you and have spent a week on.

You won't text me and I won't text you and we are at a mutual standstill in the relationship, which I'm really hating right now.

I got a Crush from a "crush" today. The school did it for Valentine's day, and I got one from my track coach. You didn't get any and seemed jealous when you saw me with mine. I made a point to exclaim how my coach got me this!

You smiled every time you saw me from then on out. I have a question now. Why are you so dang bipolar?

Sincerely, Me.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now