2 March 2017

40 9 0

Hey You,

I don't know how to feel around you anymore. I never know what to expect when it comes to you. You must be bipolar or something, because you constantly go back and forth from being a friend to acting like you like me, to completely ignoring me.

I came up with a theory today, and I'm hoping it's true. Your friend is trying to befriend me, and constantly wants to be my lab partner, and I think you are getting him to befriend me. He constantly talks to me in the hallways and I'm not sure if I'm right or not.

I heard him talking to you today. He pointed in my direction and whispered something, which is a surprise because he can't whisper. Like, it's my speaking voice normally, but not today. He kept trying to ask me where you were, and I always said I didn't know.

Part of me hopes my theory is correct and the other part hopes it's not. I should explain that I hope it's not because I want you to talk to me for yourself. I don't want to accidently slip up and tell your friend I like you because I'd cry.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. 9 days.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now