10 March 2017

39 7 0

Hey You,

Today was weird, as it felt like you kept following me around. You showed up to my first and second hours, for no reason. You kept glancing at me, and it makes me nervous if I'm being honest.

Today I looked like a train wreck. I had messy hair, loose jeans, and a baggy hoodie. I looked like I walked out of a tornado, and you kept glancing at me. I think you were judging me but don't quote me on that.

I wish I could make tomorrow either happen faster or not happen at all because I have a big lump in my throat and my knees hurt. I feel extremely nervous for the outcome of tomorrow, and I don't want to lose you.

Let's just say, if it turns out bad, I'm hanging up the pencil for a while. That's how bad it might be, but you know, I tend to be wrong. I hope I was wrong in this situation because I really want to be wrong.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. Tomorrow.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now