11 March 2017

37 9 0

Hey You,

Today was horrific. I woke up, and I felt sick. Today was THE day. The day you'd find out that I like you. It's Saturday, and show choir had an event today. My two friends are in show choir, and they are how you found out.

I spent all day pondering the possible outcomes, but for some reason, I doubt the good things will happen. They'd never happen, even in the tiniest fantasies. 

You found out at about 4:45 today, and I've heard nothing from you. I don't think you care, which actually hurts a bit. 

I'm gonna hang up the pencil for a little while. I don't think I can write to you for a little while. Of course, I'll write if I hear from you, but I don't think I can for now.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. I'll miss writing to you.

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now