7 March 2017

39 8 0

Hey You,

Today was uneventful. You didn't necessarily ignore me, but you didn't talk to me. You smiled my direction, but your friends were constantly jabbering to me. They were trying to give me a nickname based on my nickname.

It got annoying fast, but I didn't snap. I just told them that I didn't need a nickname. They disagreed, saying that EVERYONE needs a nickname, a stupid one, they said. Well, thanks for saying I didn't have a stupid nickname I guess.

One of your friends said that he was my friend and I was like No??? You call me something different than my name so we can't be friends. Sorry. I mean, I guess I can be friends with them, would that make you happy? Probably, maybe? No, actually, you might suspect me.

Oh well, I like having new friends. They are all nice too, and one said I can jump hurdles well. I really can't, but it was a nice attempt at a compliment. It was the friend of yours that this one guy tried to set up with me as a homecoming date, after trying to get him to ask me to homecoming. 

He said no, and I hope it's for the reason I want it to be. 

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. 4 days.

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