9 March 2017

48 8 0

Hey You,

Today was hell. I didn't see you much throughout the day, but when we walked by each other the total of two times, we bumped shoulders. After that, I helped with costume planning for the first of two of our school spring plays. I left early because of a tornado warning.

It began to hail, and there was golf ball sized pellets, and I was freaked out. I began to text all of my friends asking if they were okay, you being one of the firsts. You replied less than a minute later, asking if I was okay as well.

I hid in the hallway, cowering in fear over the tornado because the last tornado warning in our area that I remember was an F5 tornado that destroyed half a town. It freaks me out to this day, because a little over a year before that day, my cousin was born in one of the hospitals that were destroyed.

It's weird to think that the WARNING of one of the wind monsters freaks me out. I'm generally okay with the threatening of flooding and such, but tornados freak me out too bad. 

I'm sorry for yesterday's letter, I was really tired and I triggered an existential crisis, and add my cathartic self on top of that and bam, you have a gigantic mess. 

I wish I could tell you that I like you so that nobody else has to do it, it'd make it better, but I'm too afraid of rejection and ruining a friendship to tell you. I should do it tomorrow, but I can't because of my anxiety over losing you.

Sincerely, Me.

P.S. 2 days.

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